
Lynn Hodeib is a PhD candidate in the Theatre and Performance studies program at CUNY, theatre maker, musician and drama therapist from Beirut, now based in New York. Lynn has acted in, sound designed and managed multiple theater productions between Beirut and New York. She performed with the AUB theatre initiative in Beirut, Laban theatre company, Big Apple Playback Theatre NYC , Clown Gym and Bread and Puppet Theatre. In 2018, she wrote and directed, Malja’86, a short play that explores the role of material objects post-Lebanese civil war. She is currently working on a collaborative piece titled “The Suicide”, a multimedia performance inspired by Tracy Chahwan‘s comic strips of the same title. As a scholar, she explores transgenerational memory in Lebanon in spaces of theatre, protest, and archives. She holds a BA in Psychology with a Minor in Theatre from the American University of Beirut, and a Masters in Drama Therapy from NYU.