Welcome to the DTSA Green Room, the website for the Doctoral Theatre Students’ Association (DTSA). This website serves as a record of past, current, and ongoing DTSA activities.
What is the DTSA?
The DTSA is the recognized program student association for the PhD Program in Theatre and Performance at the Graduate Center, CUNY, and is comprised of all students currently enrolled in the program. Officers are elected each spring to serve on the DTSA Board, which operates under the auspices of the Doctoral Students’ Council as per the DTSA Constitution ratified by program students. The DTSA Board schedules and organizes activities throughout the year and also advocates on behalf of students with the program’s leadership and the GC administration.
Additional information about the role of the DTSA within the Theatre and Performance Program may be found on the PhD Program in Theatre and Performance website.
2023-2024 DTSA Officers
President: Philip Wiles
First Vice President/Officer of Digital Initiatives: Alison Hyde Pascale
Second Vice President: Mia Zhu
Secretary-Treasurer/Officer of Curriculum and Exams: Emily Furlich
Officer of Admissions and Awards: Melissa Flower Gladney
Officer of Professionalization: Chris Harder
International Students’ Representative: Ju Woo
Representative to the DGSC/Representative to the GC: Emma Loerick
Contact us
Current Students’ Facebook group