Here’s where!

  • The Wellness Center (6422) and the Doctoral Students’ Council Office (5495)
  • In bowls in a variety of program lounges (list here; if these lounge bowls seem empty, please contact me so I can contact your program’s point person).
    • Hey, wait, is your program NOT one with a Safer Sex bowl? Email me (wellness at cunydsc dot org) if you want to sign up for one and be the point person/restocker. Your fellow students will be grateful, I’m sure!

Attached to this email is a list of the safer sex materials we have (penetrative and receptive condoms, dental dams, lubricant, etc); note we also have finger cots.

By the way, if you’re curious about what finger cots are and how to use them, check out this info from Oregon State’s student health center. One student also noted this to me about finger cots: while they are great and compact, they also do not cover the palm of the hand (and you need multiple to cover multiple fingers).

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