Ever feel stressed, can’t concentrate on studies, or lack motivation? This lecture series was designed for you, the busy graduate student.

stressed-studentMeditation is by no means only sitting in perfect lotus posture in a perfect setting.

When we eat, we eat; when we study, we study. This is meditation. When we listen to others with full attention and a non-judgmental attitude, this is meditation. When we relax our mind for a minute or two without wandering thoughts, this is meditation… Meditation can not only help us listen better, focus better and study better, but it may also benefit our relationships with fellow students, advisors, colleagues and ourselves.

So, come to this lecture series to learn the relationship between consciousness and  meditation and how to meditate, with three distinguished meditation teachers from three different spiritual practices. Each session will feature a one hour lecture followed by 15 minutes of guided meditation.

9.12.13 Eric Larson, director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (USA)

9.25.13 Ven. Chang Wen, director of Dharma Drum Retreat Center

10.2.13 Joseph Mauricio, executive director of the Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Center

All lectures will be held in room 5414 of the Graduate Center from 6:00-7:15p.m.

This event is free and open to the public, so invite your friends!