Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH’s work seeks to uncover how determinants at multiple levels of influence–including policies, features of the social environment, molecular, and genetic factors–jointly produce the health of urban populations.

Dr. Galea has conducted large population-based studies in several countries worldwide including the U.S., Spain, Israel, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Liberia, primarily funded by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Galea’s interest in the complex etiology of health and disease has led him to work that explores innovative methodological approaches to population health questions.

Date: November 16, 2011

Time: 6pm—8pm

College: CUNY School of Public Health

Address: 2180 Third Avenue, Manhattan

Building: SB

Room: Room 115/116

Phone: 212-396-7778


Admission: Free

via CUNY Events Calendar.