Michelle Billies, Ph.D, LCSW-R is an Assistant Professor at Kingsborough Community College of CUNY where she teaches critical multicultural counseling courses. Billies’ research centers on racial justice from an intersectional, transnational feminist perspective, addressing issues ranging from the interlocking forms of state violence that take place during stop and frisk, to the proactive steps civilians take when stopped by law and border enforcement, to the struggle over multiple bodies and space produced in such interactions, to affective theories of blackness that describe how race is leveraged through body fragments and figmentations to make populations generate profit and surplus value in ways that do not depend on identities, subjectivities, or whole, human bodies. Billies also conducted a large, multiyear participatory action research project investigating racially and ethnically diverse, low-income LGBTGNC (gender nonconforming) issues with over 20 co-researchers over time who engaged in all aspects of the research, including problem definition, data collection design, recruitment and collection, analysis, and distribution. In addition to academic work, Billies is private Gestalt psychotherapist and parent to an amazing 3 1/2 year old.