Program Description


With deep collaboration between Critical Social/Personality Psychology and Critical Environmental Psychology at the Graduate Center, we share faculty, coursework, colloquia, and research projects. Our students learn to understand their work in historical, social, and political contexts; to be literate in a wide range of epistemological and methodological traditions, including qualitative and quantitative approaches to research; and to become responsible advocates for change within the discipline of psychology, our local communities, policy making sites and larger social movements. At the center of this work is our strong, interdisciplinary and collaborative community cultivated at the intersection of the academy and public life.

Our community is comprised not only of faculty and students but also of visiting scholars from around the world and professionals across many other disciplines, including anthropologists, sociologists, historians, artists, community organizers, public health and social welfare scholars, feminist and neo-colonial theorists, and many other partners. This community is extended and enhanced by alumni teaching in psychology, gender studies, sexuality, public health, social welfare, youth studies and education; researching in legal, health and criminal justice advocacy organizations; and developing policy in the fields of youth development, mass incarceration, education and community based health.

We inhabit many communities – those concerned with social and environmental justice, with place and public life, with identity and community – and we are committed to the participatory power of our work. We are committed to the idea that, as psychologists, we can make real, immediate contributions to social inquiry for the purposes of social justice, and so to human welfare, and that this is, in fact, the most meaningful way to build a vital, engaged, and truly social psychology.


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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.