The following minutes were unanimously approved as submitted on October 11, 2017.
The regular meeting of the DTSA was called to order at 2:05 pm on September 8, 2017, in Room 5489.
Sarah Lucie (President), Joseph Paul Hill (Digital Initiatives Officer), Ash Marinaccio (Secretary-Treasurer), Cory Tamler (First Vice President), Christine Snyder (Professionalization Representative), Amir Farjoun (Curriculum and Exams), Eylul Akinci (International Student Representative), Kyuen Kim (DSC Representative), Mara Valderrama (Awards and Admissions)
Hansol Oh (Second Vice President), Jared Pike (Grad Council Representative)
Approval of Agenda
JH motioned to approve agenda. SL seconded. Agenda was approved with edits. Amir wants to add Play Table readings to New Business (based on conversation with Jennie Yousef).
Approval of Minutes
CN motioned to approve the minutes. JH seconded. Minutes unanimously approved as submitted. No abstentions.
President, Sarah Lucie
Thank you to everyone who attended and helped to organize the beginning of the semester celebration on September 6. The event was a successful gathering that set the tone for a positive upcoming year. Also, we were happy to present Jean Graham-Jones with a small gift in congratulations to her appointment to the Lortel Chair. I look forward to the new year, and will work with Peter increased departmental support to student practice.
First Vice President, Cory Tamler
Nothing to report.
Second Vice President, Hansol Oh
I plan to touch base with Elyse next week and will have more to talk about this year’s Booth Award in our next meeting.
Secretary-Treasurer, Ash Marinaccio
Nothing to report.
Admission and Awards Representative, Mara Valderrama
Nothing to report.
Curriculum and Exams Representative, Amir Farjoun
Nothing to report.
Professionalization Representative, Christine Snyder
Nothing to report.
Digital Initiatives Officer, Joseph Paul Hill
Nothing to report.
DSC Program Representative, Kyuen Kim
Nothing to report.
International Student Representative, Eylul Akinci
I introduced myself to the new-coming international students, and let them know that I will be reaching out to them with an event specifically geared to welcoming them.
I will circulate a survey for compiling useful info about coming to GC and New York as an international student. Within next couple of weeks I will organize a walking tour as a chance to meet and exchange questions/info.
Graduate Council Rep and Alumni Engagement, Jared Pike
Nothing to report.
New Business
Schedule Meetings
The next meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 pm. Upcoming meetings for the semester are on November 8 at 6:00 pm and December 8 at 2:00 pm.
What do we want to do this year?
Artistic support and some more focus on supporting student practice
Amir wants to discuss getting credit for work we do outside of GC. Can we get school credit for working outside? How can we do this? Externships are available for interning at festivals (according to websites). This is not widely known. CUNY really wants this to happen as well. What are ways we can foster this? –Start modeling it, – Start setting up potential connections, – Set up meetings with Artistic Directors and Directors of theatres we want to work with, -Brainstorm with people who are interested, multiple meetings…
Amir is going to put out a call for a show of interest to brainstorm ideas for bringing practice into the program. This will be an open space for students. Joseph will talk to Jenny at Office of Career Planning and Professional Development to inform CUNY that we are taking this under.
Intellectual Community Building
Conference and other ways to bring together community.
Approve Budget
We are starting the year with $470.
The goal is to leave the account with as much as we started with (or more). In order to make this happen, we will need to figure out some other fundraising events. Last year we didn’t make as much money on the book sale or trivia night as we did in the past. Eylul suggests that for $10 we could do astrological readings and taro card readings at the Christmas party to make some extra money. We can also place a donation box near the coffee to encourage people to contribute money to the coffee budget. What are other ways to encourage people to donate money. Perhaps do a silent auction? Sarah is going to make changes to the budget and it will be approved at next meeting.
First VP Events
Karaoke or Talent Show?
We are going to be doing karaoke again in October. November will be for the theatre outing
September 28 – Karaoke
We may do a talent show in the second semester.
Booth Award
It was suggested by Peter Eckersall to alternate the Booth Award and Conference each year. We would select a person to honor at the end of the conference. It would be a recognition but not necessarily an award. Amir suggests to make it one thing, have the Booth Award at the end of the conference. He thinks that joining the two events helps build the theory and practice connection. We can sell ads in brochure. Sarah says we need to have more information before we can see if this works out but it’s worth it to keep it open.
Book Sale
Trying for Nov. 14 and 15. Will contact the entire GC for donations, and Sarah will talk to Lynette about book storage.
DTSA-Sponsored Conferences
There is a conference in the works for the spring. It is still early. We are assembling a team. The theme is on “Objects” – Philosophy of objects, materialism, and performance as an object. We can approach different things as objects.
Salon Series
Eylul wants to bring back series similar to last year where choreographers came through the Segal Center, did a demonstration and a talkback followed. Corey is organizing a workshop with a German theatre practitioner. This is similar to how Eylul’s event went last year.
They want it to not necessarily be a mandatory DTSA event. This fulfills a research and artistic component. We don’t want this to be run by the Segal Center, we want it to be done by students.
This will be used as part of the salon series. This needs to be student led with intellectual topics that will bring people together.
Amir and Mara suggest that we make a framework where students can organize something of their own so that they can get CV credit for it.
Cory suggested reaching out to Kendra at the Center for Humanities to see how they structure their own events.
Amplify Cory’s event on September 18 to show folks that they could create their own events as well.
Table Readings
Jennie Youssef proposed the idea of a table reading with a director in the Green Room. The board expressed support and Amir will speak with Jennie about going forward with the event. A note was mentioned that all students should remember to email Lynette about reserving the Green Room prior to promoting the event.
Old Business
SL motioned to adjourn the meeting. Christine seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:53 pm.
Comments by Joseph Paul Hill