The following minutes were unanimously approved with edits on December 8, 2017.


The regular meeting of the DTSA was called to order at 6:04 pm on November 3, 2017, in Room 5409.


Sarah Lucie (President), Cory Tamler (First Vice President), Hansol Oh (Second Vice President), Ash Marinaccio (Secretary-Treasurer), Joseph Paul Hill (Digital Initiatives Officer), Christine Snyder (Professionalization Representative), Mara Valderrama (Admissions and Awards Representative), Kyueun Kim (Program Representative), Amir Farjoun (Curriculum and Exams), Eylul Akinci (International Student Representative)


Jared Pike (Grad Council Representative)

Approval of Agenda

JH motioned to approve agenda. AF and CS seconded. Agenda was approved with edits.

Approval of Minutes

JH motioned to approve the minutes. AF, CT and CS seconded. Minutes unanimously approved with edits. No abstentions.


President, Sarah Lucie

The book sale is scheduled for this week. Please sign up for whatever shifts you can, and consider bringing baked goods for sale.

First Vice President, Cory Tamler

The next DTSA theatre outing is this Saturday, November 11, 8pm, to El caballero de Olmedo at Teatro Circulo.

Considering offering something that I am seeing already as a casual quasi-official DTSA outing for which the Shanghai Academy students could join (Eiko’s performance as part of Performa17, Nov. 19, which is free and runs most of the day). Does the board think this is worthwhile?

Second Vice President, Hansol Oh

Nothing to report.

Secretary-Treasurer, Ash Marinaccio

There is a total of $5.22 in donations for coffee from the jar we put out in the Green Room. It would be great to put out jars at DTSA functions.

Digital Initiatives Officer, Joseph Paul Hill

I’m soliciting ideas to clean up, revitalize, and otherwise reimagine our website, All DTSA members are encouraged to contribute thoughts and opinions.

I’ve begun compiling a comprehensive list of all digital entities currently under the DTSA’s control in order to begin discussions about scope, usage, and transmission. If you have created any email accounts, social media profiles, websites, file sharing accounts, etc., please inform me of their existence so that they can be added to our list, which will hopefully help during board transitions.

The Theatre and Performance Program is the only Humanities Ph.D. Program at the Graduate Center that does not currently have a Twitter account, albeit not every program’s account is active. Do we want to create a presence on Twitter?

Professionalization Representative, Christine Snyder

Nothing to report.

Admission and Awards Representative, Mara Valderrama

I have sent out invitations for the Open House, which will take place on November 29, at 6 pm. I am working with Lynette on the actual planning and details of the event. I contacted Jean to give a short speech and she agreed to do it. I still have to contact 3 students (one from each level) to speak at the event. I am not sure if there is some way to access a list of the students and what level they are in.

Peter and I had decided to hold a Skype session to answer questions from applicants or prospective students who cannot attend the Open House or who live abroad or out of state. However, I have been unable to set up a Skype meeting broadcast, as my account does not hold that feature and I was wondering if someone knows how this can be done.

I have also set up a google doc that I will send to the DTSA in the coming days asking for contact emails for Theatre programs around the world so it can be used in the future as a outreach database.

Finally, I met with a prospective student in the GC, and I have emailed with several others.

Curriculum and Exams Representative, Amir Farjoun

I had a lot to report, but I didn’t write in time as I couldn’t find this file. Apologies.

DSC Program Representative, Kyueun Kim

Nothing to report.

Graduate Council Rep and Alumni Engagement, Jared Pike

Nothing to report.

International Student Representative, Eylul Akinci

I met with international students that have entered the program this semester. Mainly our discussion revolved around things they wish they had known prior to coming to the city or to the program. They emphasized the importance of:

  1. having an informal welcome meeting (or email when meeting is not possible) specified for international students;
  2. getting help with housing; and
  3. getting clear, down-to-earth info about financial realities of our fellowship as well as of living in the NYC.

As a fellow international student, I have to admit that four years ago these three areas were similarly challenging for me. This points to a continued urgency in addressing these needs and finding practical solutions.

Once again, we need a document/welcome package for incoming international students. I will work on this during the winter break, and open it up to suggestions and contributions. Hopefully the document will not only help the incoming internationals, but also the next representative. I encourage all the members of DTSA board to think of suggestions and let me know. You can e-mail me about these things any time; don’t assume I already know this or that resource or bit of information.

New Business

Booth Award Committee

Hansol wants to create a Booth Award packet for incoming Second Vice Presidents. This requires taking money from the Segal Center. There is concern about maintaining our autonomy by taking money. What is our relationship to the Segal Center? We should address this issue. If you are a chartered organization you can ask for a room through the room reservations list. We are our own charter organization and should be able to request a room on our own. It was suggested that Sarah talks to Frank about student involvement in Segal. Perhaps Peter can join? Room reservation info should go in packet as well.

Website Committee

DTSA website needs help. It is hosted on the DTSA exchange. Joseph suggests it should become a solid repository for the DTSA Board and records of our work. He will aggregate the resources that are up to date. For current students he wants to list everyone’s name of current students. People may add their dissertation titles. Board transition packet will live on this website. International student packet will go on there.

Old Business

Book Sale

Sarah will pick up petty cash for the book sale. Please continue to bring in donations and sign up for shifts.

Check in re: year priorities

There hasn’t been any progress regarding the incorporation of theatre practice into the program since the DTSA Town Hall. The first step is likely to have the faculty make it clear that some form of practical theatre work (e.g., internship) can be completed for credit.

Discussions ensued around the possibility of making personal connections with various artistic institutions that might be interested in connecting with Theatre Ph.D. students.

The Board is generally excited about the future potential of Hot Table Cold Reads and other Salon events.


SJ motion to adjourn. HO seconded. All in favor. Adjourned at 7:30 p.m.