The following minutes were unanimously approved as submitted on February 2, 2018.


The regular meeting of the DTSA was called to order at 2:15 pm on December 8, 2017, in Room 5409.


Sarah Lucie (President), Cory Tamler (First Vice President), Hansol Oh (Second Vice President), Ash Marinaccio (Secretary-Treasurer), Joseph Paul Hill (Digital Initiatives Officer), Christine Snyder (Professionalization Representative), Mara Valderrama (Admissions and Awards Representative), Kyueun Kim (Program Representative), Amir Farjoun (Curriculum and Exams), Eylul Akinci (International Student Representative)


Jared Pike (Grad Council Representative)

Approval of Agenda

JH motioned to approve agenda. AF and CS seconded. Agenda was approved without edits.

Approval of Minutes

JH motioned to approve the minutes. AF, CT and CS seconded. Minutes approved with edits.


President, Sarah Lucie

Thank you to everyone who donated books and volunteered their time to help with the Book Sale in November. It was a great success, and we raised $350. Lynette has asked that we remove the leftover books from the Book Sale. I’m hoping to schedule a time next week when some people can help move boxes with me.

The Open Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for next week, Friday Dec. 15 at 4 pm. Peter has agreed to add an item to the agenda that will open the room for discussion regarding supporting student practice. Peter has also asked that I present a short report on the DTSA activities, so please let me know if there’s anything you feel is important to add.

The End of Semester Gathering will follow the Exec Meeting. I have circulated a sign-up document, and will especially need help setting up, as I will be in the Exec Meeting myself.

First Vice President, Cory Tamler

We had a small outing to see Eiko at The Met on Nov. 19. Due to some miscommunication about their travel dates, the Shanghai Theatre Academy students couldn’t attend.

Second Vice President, Hansol Oh

2018 Edwin Booth Award date is out: The event will take place on March 21, 2018 at Martin E Segal Center. I sent out chair appeals to Marvin, David and Jean and they have approved to support the event. Jean has confirmed $250 from her Lortel chair funds, David is considering $200 and I’m still waiting to hear back from Marvin. I’m currently working on: DSC funding application and room request for reception. Two people signed up for Booth Committee.

I will send out another call to the student body asking the students to participate in the event in any capacity. (performance, speech – academic/personal testimony, in addition to the interview)

Secretary-Treasurer, Ash Marinaccio

Nothing to report.

Digital Initiatives Officer, Joseph Paul Hill

I’d be happy to organize a workshop around the CUNY Academic Commons and Open CUNY if students are interested. Scheduling would fit around the spring professionalization calendar. A couple years ago we sponsored a hands-on workshop about building a personal website, and it was relatively well attended.

Professionalization Representative, Christine Snyder

The final (and most attended) professionalization of the fall semester was Friday, Dec. 1 – 20 plus students participated in either an interview or attending an interview(s). Mostly high level IIs and IIIs. This professionalization needs to happen every year. It was illuminating.

I will be turning my first semester expenses to Ash—I am well within the budget and should end the year with money leftover.

Jean, Erika, and I have not yet met to discuss next semester’s professionalization events. We are definitely having a digital humanities one (an alum who teaches digital humanities at NYU will present) and I would like to follow up with Amir’s idea re: at least one practice-based professionalization (we’d talked dramaturgy, I believe—more ideas?)

Admission and Awards Representative, Mara Valderrama

On Wednesday Nov. 29 we held the Open House for prospective students. It was a very successful event with 13 prospective students in attendance. All the central faculty was there, including Frank, as well as approx. 10 current students (we were 30 people in total). Jean gave a presentation. Sarah spoke about the DTSA, and Cory, Hansol and Andy spoke as representation of Level I, II, and III respectively.

I have been in touch with all of the prospective students who attended through email after the open house.

Curriculum and Exams Representative, Amir Farjoun

I attended the Curriculum Meeting with Peter, Erika and Maurya. Three main fronts are being discussed with Erika and Peter:

  1. The “Alt-ac”: we’re trying to find ways for “practical” work to be counted for credit. The main propositions that can be immediately realized are utilizing the independent study rubric and acknowledging internships. Longer term items would be more inter-institutional.
  2. Automatization of the evaluations. Everybody’s trying to find a way that negotiates the need to update them while not compromising the livelihood and security (?) of the professors. Updates will follow.
  3. Advanced research: there are many simultaneous discussion amongst the faculty and students. One thing that is emerging is the need to see the Adv. Research as focused on dissertation proposal. Students should strategize to benefit from the class as a first step into a main research project, rather than rush in to it.
DSC Program Representative, Kyueun Kim

Nothing to report.

Graduate Council Rep and Alumni Engagement, Jared Pike

The Graduate Council met at 3 pm on October 25, 2017. During his opening remarks, President Chase Robinson made the following notable remarks and announcements:

  • CUNY has submitted its 2018-19 budget request to the New York State legislature. While acknowledging that a budget request is representative of the wishes and strategies of the University, and often not reflective of final budget deal, the University budget requests a significant increase. At the current time the Graduate Center’s previous budget cuts continue to save costs and, as of now, it does not seem that further reductions will be necessary for the current financial year. The budget seems to be stabilizing—though not growing.
  • The Graduate Center administration has reluctantly conceded that it is necessary to impose a $100/credit “Academic Excellence Fee” on MA programs offered by the GC. Internal and external negotiations and conversations are shaping the exact policy; and, as you may expect, the issue has inspired a lively debate and faces considerable resistance. Revenue would provide funds to build out the infrastructure of the GC to accommodate the Master’s programs without over burdening Ph.D. resources.

Aside from these announcements, the meeting carried out the usual business that is necessary as part of the Graduate Center’s governance; and, there is nothing of note to report.

International Student Representative, Eylul Akinci

Nothing to report.

New Business

End of Year Party

Please sign up to volunteer for a shift.

What can we do to make it special? White Elephant Gift, Fortune Telling, Spiked Hot Chocolate

Scheduling Next Semester’s Events – Spring 2018


Trivia (mid to late April) – April 19

New Student Event

Booth Award

Next meeting – Friday, February 9 at 4:00 pm

End of Year Report

Amir has asked to put curriculum info

Ash has asked for people to know they can donate to us

Old Business

Segal Center Best Practices

Line that says, “We are putting up Booth Award in collaboration with the Segal Center”

What is the relationship between program and the Segal Center? How can we work together more effectively? We need to clarify this before the Booth Awards. There has been a lack of clarity in the past. Amir suggests that in the future we should aim to have a DTSA Representative in the Segal Center in the future.

Tote Bag Fundraiser

Request for quotes.

Put up a cork board that people could pin ideas.


CT motioned to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 3:57 pm.