Last Friday, Camilla Lee, RDN, shared some useful pointers on how to still eat well even on time and money budget. She’s given her permission to post the slides she made for our workshop, so I’ve posted it here: check it out! There’s some great tips on what are good staples to keep in the pantry, what kinds of foods you can make cheap and easy, and some recipes for quick and tasty sounding meals (I’m going to be trying some chia seed pudding or egg strata soon myself!).

Camilla works over Skype for nutrition consults and she is also a practitioner on Maven Clinic – a tele-health app for women: A reminder that nutritionist appointments ARE covered under NYSHIP: you can search the Empire Plan’s Provider Lookup. Here’s an example search for “Nutrition Services” within 10 miles of the GC (remember to triple and quadruple check with the provider that they are indeed still NYSHIP-covered).

Also, check out the hashtag #gcfoodforgrads for tweets from the workshop itself.

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