
Happy birthday pops.

Today you would have been 60! Jen, Teo and I are ending a really great visit to California today. We are looking forward to eating some of your favorite fried chicken in your honor before we go!

I also wanted to honor our mother (Maria Elena Mayorga) for navigating the challenges this past year and for all of our lives.

Here I will just repost what I wrote a few weeks ago on the anniversary of your passing to the other side, and the poem by Gioconda Belli that I read at your service.

Big abrazos!

– Familia Mayorga


From It’s Been One Year

We think about you everyday, but more so as we come up on a year since you’ve moved on.

It’s been a year of tremendous change for all of us,

and I so wish we could reach out to you and abuelita at our weekly facetime chats.


But we know you are with us

In those passing moments,

When Teo and I are talking

When my work gets challenging

Métale mano (get your hands in it)

You are with us

A force under our wings

And for this we thank you


Uno no Escoge (por Gioconda Belli)

Uno no escoge el país donde nace;
pero ama el país donde ha nacido.

Uno no escoge el tiempo para venir al mundo;
pero debe dejar huella de su tiempo.

Nadie puede evadir su responsabilidad.

Nadie puede taparse los ojos, los oidos,
enmudecer y cortarse las manos.

Todos tenemos un deber de amor que cumplir,.
una historia que nacer
una meta que alcanzar.

No escogimos el momento para venir al mundo:
Ahora podemos hacer el mundo
en que nacerá y crecerá
la semilla que trajimos con nosotros.