Tag Archives: travel

My Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Austin Experience

I have only one regret with regards to my  Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Austin experience.

The President of SRA, Stephen T. Russell delivered a spectacular address:Stephen T Russel Urgency

The above photo depicts a key moment of his speech where he questioned who gets to define the evidence base, proven strategies and what is ready to communicate? The last point on the slide questions the boundaries between science and advocacy. Russell asked the audience to consider if scientists can and should be objective.

In other highlights:
SRA Poster, Kreniske and Ruck
 At my poster withProfessor Ruck

I met a number of engaging grad students, my poster was well received, and I reconnected with one of my former professors, Jeff Cookston, from San Francisco State University.

It was a great conference – especially for grad students or “emerging scholars” – like me – they even had a room for us with free coffee and tea!

Just a few blocks from the conference I stumbled upon a hint of what keeps  Austin weird as I perused this

                        funky art gallery…

monkey lovehummingbird printdali cereal


And then spent some quality time with my brother and sister in law!

My only regret?

Stubbs doesn’t open til 11am so I couldn’t pull a Frank Underwood and eat ribs for breakfast.

Stubbs BBQ AM
Stubbs BMQ AM