Author Archives: conortomasreed

Assata Free University event success! Connect again this Saturday.

Hearty thanks to all of you who came out to the “Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance” Free University last Saturday in Marcus Garvey Park. Many participants from the neighborhood and around the city shared how critically insightful, collectively affirming, and politically rooting our experiences were, and are eager to take next steps together.

We invite you to keep Free University-NYC active and growing — our next coordinating meeting will be this Saturday, June 22nd, at 1:30pm in Central Park (enter at 110th st and Lenox ave). Please bring a friend, a snack to share, and ideas for what future Free U themes and collaborations should be!

in struggle, celebration, and mutual support,
-Free University-NYC

like our fb page
join our fb discussion group
twitter: @FreeUnivNYC #FreeU
flickr: send your Free U photos to

Schedule for 6.15 “Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance” Free University

“Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance” Free University
June 15, 2013
Marcus Garvey Park, Harlem, NYC
(enter south side at 120th st and 5th ave)
RSVP/share on facebook

Arts, Crafts, Food, Care station
Bring art materials, blankets, food, and extra care. Join the national art project to create “Assata is (STILL) Welcome Here” artwork.

“Story Booth” oral history station
Share thoughts and stories of movement histories, struggles, and celebrations. Who is your favorite freedom fighter? When did you get involved in social justice? What kind of change do you wish to help create in the world? What inspires you to be politically active? All ages, big and small, are invited to share your reflections.

Free University-NYC Brief Welcome and Statement of Intention
12pm sharp!

“The Chicago and South Africa Anti-Eviction Campaigns”
Deshonay Dozier

“Discussion on Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, the war on drugs, and mass incarceration”
Fury Young
A presentation/discussion on the drug war and mass incarceration. Research culled from Michelle Alexander’s 2010 book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. A brief teach-in of the war on drugs, and the rise of the prison industrial complex from 1982 to the present.

“Prison Education: Liberation and Cooptation”
Progressive Education Initiative
Teachers from the Progressive Education Initiative will give a presentation about the current educational opportunities – and lack thereof – in the women’s facility on Rikers Island. We will also invite workshop participants to strategize on how to connect activism for educational justice with prisoners’ struggles.

“Teaching Assata Shakur ar Riker’s Island”
Tony Gronowicz

“Joining The Struggle Against Police Terror with the Freeing of All U.S. Held Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War & Exiles”
Brother Shep

“Critical Walk – Harlem African Burial Ground”
Matthew Bissen
This class will discuss the history and legacy of the Harlem African Burial Ground and the current efforts by community organizations to bring this legacy back to the surface. It will include a walk through the neighborhood to experience and discuss aspects of the 1658 Nieuw Haarlem Dutch colony which still influences the urban context of today and the site of the burial ground.

“Writing and Resistance for Home, School, and Everyday Life”
Susan Naomi Bernstein
For new and experienced writers: This course presents the processes of writing for anyone who struggles to write. Together we will develop our own practices of writing for audiences and purposes that connect to our visions of resistance to oppression – and for social transformation – of home, school, and everyday life.

“Overtested and Indebted: Critiquing and Imagining Education (Together)”
Jason and Winter
This last year we’ve seen student walk outs against austerity cuts, boycotts against the testing regime, labor strikes against racist and neoliberal education policies, university occupations and attempts at debt strikes. From Seattle to Chicago to Philly to New York, an education revolution is underway in the U.S.
In honor of Assata Shakur, we gather together to ask some big questions about what all of this means. How does our education system operate? How does it perpetuate class and racial inequalities? What kinds of people does it create? What are the connections between labor, testing, financialization and debt? What other kinds of education systems can we imagine?

“Assata Shakur’s Memoir is a Tool for Liberation”
Nicholas Powers
The goal of the workshop is to introduce participants to the ideas in Shakur’s memoir which are still relevant today such as: Double-Consciousness, personal transformation and liberation ideology. If you can, please bring your copy of her book, but it’s not necessary.

“Radical History of CUNY and SUNY”
Biola Jeje
New York Students Rising will give a workshop on the radical history of CUNY and SUNY student struggles and what students today are doing to defend public higher education.

“From FBI’s COINTELPRO to NSA’s PRISM: a community dialogue on resisting state repression”
The recent revelations of the US government’s massive surveillance operation PRISM, in collusion with several major online and phone companies, has made state repression a topic of critical conversation everywhere. For those who know the history of COINTELPRO in violently targeting social movements, this news causes special alarm as well as radicalizing opportunities. It may dissuade people from taking political action, or it may urge people to get involved. More whistleblowers may come forward. Social movements’ alternatives may finally get the hearing we deserve. In solidarity with Assata Shakur’s ongoing legacy of struggle, we welcome a dialogue on past, present, and possible futures of state repression, and how our communities for transformative justice can respond. We will not be silenced, so let us strategize together how to use our voices and actions most effectively.

Potluck Dinner
Some food will be provided by Free University, but also please bring some to share! Vegetarian and vegan options available.

Flyer for June 15 Assata Shakur Free University

Free U fam,

Please print and share our June 15 event flyer openly and often.
Next Free U planning mtg: this Saturday, 12pm, City Hall Park fountain (enter at Park Row and Beekman st).
Register/contribute classes at


“Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance”

“Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance”
Free University in Marcus Garvey Park

Saturday, June 15th
12pm – 6pm
Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem
(enter the south side at 120th st and 5th ave)

The actions and writings of Assata Shakur, a Black Liberation activist living in exile in Cuba,  have been influential to a wide range of activists. Our theme – “Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance” – connects Assata Shakur’s political and personal work with a network of people who have dedicated our lives to struggle, celebration, and social change.

In solidarity with the “Assata Teach-In” series, this Free University-NYC and Brecht Forum collaboration invites friends, families, comrades, and community groups to learn and share transformative education in public space. A potluck dinner will be served at 6pm (please RSVP so we can prepare enough food).

**Register/contribute classes – fill out THIS FORM**
Share on Facebook

Confirmed classes:
-Assata Shakur’s Legacy (Brecht Forum)
-Prison education: liberation and cooptation (Progressive Education Initiative)
-Teaching Assata at Riker’s Island (CUNY professor Tony Gronowicz)

We invite you to contribute workshops relating to this Free U’s theme. Some suggestions:
*Political Resistance – Stop Stop & Frisk; know-your-rights training; stories of Assata Shakur and other political prisoners and exiles in the U.S. and around the world.
*Education Resistance – votes of no confidence; test boycotts; student strikes; decolonizing curriculum and classrooms; halting the school-to-prison pipeline and school closures.
*Spaces of Resistance – prisoners’ struggles; campaigns to end immigrant raids and deportations; housing and financial rights workshops.

Come to our next planning meeting!
June 8 – 12pm – City Hall Park fountain (enter Park Row and Beekman st, Manhattan)
We invite you to take active part in coordinating this event. Any and all skills in dialogue facilitation, community outreach, online publicity, video/audio documentation, event logistics, info table welcoming & support, food preparation, and more are heartily welcome.

Email for more information.

Info links:

This Sat 6/1 @12pm- planning mtg for Sat 6/15 Free U on Assata Shakur, political prisoners & exiles, and resisting state repression

This Saturday, 12pm, at Cooper Square Park (E 7th st and 3rd ave, Manhattan), you’re invited to help plan an exciting mid-June collaboration…

Free University-NYC/Brecht Forum folks will host a special solidarity Free University on the life and legacy of Assata Shakur, political prisoners and exiles, and resisting state repression.
Saturday afternoon, June 15, location TBA. Save the date!

Come help coordinate this event where friends, families, comrades, and community groups can learn and share about these social issues that have been addressed for almost three decades at the Brecht Forum and since Free U’s inception on May Day 2012. The time for free radical education is now more critical than ever–let’s work together to create it across NYC.

More details, teach-in/workshop contribution form, publicity coming soon. Please spread the word and check back again.

Info links:
Assata Shakur in her own words.
Democracy Now! with updated information on Assata’s case, featuring Angela Davis and Lennox Hinds.
Assata Teach-in’ open solidarity call.

Stay connected:

*Occupied* Cooper Union Free University today, 3-9pm!

The weather’s holding, and so is the Cooper Union student occupation! We’ll see you in Cooper Square Park at 3pm today for the Free University Welcome and Statement of Intention, followed by some excellent workshops to kick off a full day. Bring friends and some food to share.

*Occupied* Cooper Union Free University
Cooper Square Park, E 7th st and 3rd ave, NYC.

Download Schedule here.


Twitter shout-outs:

*Occupied* Cooper Union Free University schedule – May 18, 2013

“How can we free education?”
Saturday, May 18, 2013

RSVP/spread the word–>

Download schedule.

All day:
Arts, Crafts, Food, Care station
Bring art materials, blankets, food, and extra care.
Occupy Wall Street Screen Printers station
Bring your own blank paper, shirts, bags, etc. to design.
End-of-semester “work-in” for students and teachers
Get your productivity on together in the park.

Free University-NYC Brief Welcome and Statement of Intention
3pm sharp!

“Papier Maché Workshop”
with Cooper Union and CUNY students

“Lessons from the University of California/New School Student Occupations”
New York Year Zero
Veterans of the 2008-2009 student occupations at the University of California and the New School discuss the recent history of radical student struggle in the U.S.

“Why Are We Not Free?”
Cecile Lawrence
What is freedom? What does it look like, smell like, sound like? Who has it? Who does not? Did we once/ever have it? When? If so, where did it go? How can we retrieve it? Did it get stolen from us? If so, when, how? Or did we give it up? Is this a religious discussion?

“Free University-NYC: Ideas Working Session”
Come help us build the next year of FreeU-NYC activism and solidarity. Some topics that will be approached: summer events/ideas; visions for the year ahead; website development; links with other organizers/organizations; lessons from May 1, 3013.

“Writing and Free Education from Home, School, and Everyday Life”
Susan Naomi Bernstein
For new and experienced writers: This course presents the processes of writing for anyone who struggles to write. Together we will develop our own practices of writing for audiences and purposes that connect to our visions of free education, and social transformation for home, school, and everyday life.

“Desiring School: Formulations and Performances”
Elizabeth Adams
What would a school be like that you would want to go to? How can you best describe it, and how can you best perform that description?
Hone your wildest imaginings into startling and pithy formulations. Generate a variety of performances of them in everyday life. Design social heuristics to improve their effectiveness.
Formats: Talking, writing, acting, responding
Ideology: the “teacher” brings the starting questions and structure because she does not yet have the answers.

“Lessons from the Quebec Movement”
Stefan Christoff
Stefan Christoff will present about the struggle in Quebec and give some background/context to the demand for abolishing tuition. Stefan is a Montreal-based writer, community activist and musician who recently published “Le fond de l’air est rouge,” a booklet of texts on the Quebec student uprising in 2012.

“Facilitation Skills-Share”
Marisa Holmes
Facilitation is the act of guiding a group through its own process. I will cover intermediate and advanced facilitation techniques, so that we can collectively improve our practice of direct democracy.

The Attack On All Levels On Public Education, Teachers & Teachers Union and the Inadequacy of the National Union Response”
Jackie DiSalvo
Under the deceptive name of “Reform,” the 1%, supported by both parties, are attempting to privatize education – in elementary and high schools, and colleges. At the same time they are demonizing teachers and trying to destroy teachers and faculty unions, the last stronghold of the union movement. There is also an attempt to control curriculum through high stakes testing in the public schools and the CUNY administration’s take-over of curriculum from faculty governance. This control debases the public school curriculum in a way that alienates students, and ends the academic freedom which is essential to a free society.

“A discussion on the social consequences of debt”
Aaron Jaffe
I’d like to share in a discussion regarding the longer term consequences for indebtedness. How are educational, labor, political, and social responsibilities experienced when burdened with debt? I hope the conversation will be a balance of both personal and political concerns.

“Education in Transition: A Discussion on Creating Alternative Learning Opportunities for Regions and Peoples that are In Flux”
Jennifer Lauren

“NYC Universities at a Tipping Point”
with members of All in the Red, Free University, Student Bloc NYC
Cooper Union students occupy their president’s office for over a week, creating a public dialogue on defending free education through nonviolent direct action. Faculty votes of no confidence in administrators spread across Cooper, NYU, and New School. CUNY shuffles in/out Chancellors and Trustee members amidst tuition increases, adjuncts exploitation, a Pathways stalemate, David Petraeus’ announced teaching appointment, and the successful ouster of Medgar Evers’ president. This tipping point in NYC universities can produce new coalitions between students, faculty, and staff workers to make change in our near future. In this discussion, we’ll map out some of these issues and resources, identify key pressure points, and brainstorm strategies for the summer and next academic year.

Short Films by Cooper Union students – Outdoor Screening

Red Light Ceremony with the Cooper Union student occupation


*Occupied* Cooper Union Free University – events this week (5.18, 5.19)

Free University-NYC is proud to announce that we’re hosting a “pop-up” Free University outside Cooper Union this Saturday, May 18, from 3pm to 8pm, in solidarity with Cooper Union students who have occupied their president’s office since Wednesday, May 8, to oppose a $20,000 tuition implementation and an unaccountable administration. An outdoor film screening will follow.

Our theme for this Free University is “How can we free education?” We wish to gather people with a range of knowledges, theoretical and practical approaches both inside and outside the classroom, and historical lessons from around the world. Please share with friends, colleagues, and comrades.

Please contact us with any questions at, and we look forward to seeing you this Saturday.

Another event this Sunday that Free University folks are helping to coordinate:

NYC education movement strategy session
Sunday, May 19, 1pm, outside Cooper Union


Today, 1pm: NYC education movement strategy session @ Cooper Union

The Free University extended family is invited to participate:


This Sunday, 1pm, at Cooper Union’s park

The education movement continues! This Wednesday, we had a rowdy speak-out and march at Cooper Union to support the ongoing student sit-in and an emergency convergence on Thursday after the administration threatened putative measures if the students of Free Cooper Union didn’t end their occupation. On Friday, we heard Cooper students declare their statement of no confidence and marched to President Jamshed Bharucha’s home to demand his resignation. We followed that with “art-in” and speak-out!

Please join us this Sunday at Cooper Square to discuss next steps & continued Cooper solidarity.

After that, we’ll join Free Cooper Union for an Art-Meet and afternoon of solidarity in the park:

Invite all your students/faculty/staff/friends! It’s never too late to come out and plug in! The really exciting work is just beginning…

***Can’t make it? Stay in the loop by texting @studentblocnyc to 23559 to join our celly. Important announcements only***

Proposed agenda:

1) Updates on Cooper Situation (25 minutes)
-How did our past solidarity actions go? What is the situation right now? (15 min)
-How can we help over the upcoming days? Specific events to organize/attend to/publicize (10 min)

2) Cross-campus organizing throughout the summer and onwards (75 minutes)
Overview of ACTIONABLE ITEM SUGGESTIONS from last week
– discuss viability in overall context of resources, timing, content etc., appoint point person/organizers

-15M Day of Action – NYU
-End of semester party
-Cooper commencement protest

Over the summer:
-Summer convergence
-Summer disobedience school // Workshops/skill share: e.g. social media, one-on-one organizing, how to organize a campaign
-Reading Group
-Mapping of resources
-Web presence
-Campus Activism/Learning project

Fall plans:
-Plan series of events hosted by different campuses/groups next semester
-Updated zine/Content Production

3) Common campaigns (20 minutes)
-Based on google spreadsheet with common issues across campuses, would we be able to do more than support each others actions, but come up with common/simultaneous campaigns?
-What could they be? Which schools partnering up on which issues?
-Cross-campus working groups for logistics as well as issues like student debt

3PM: Cooper solidarity and conversation to continue:

Friday: *NYC ART ACTION to keep Cooper Union Free*

*NYC ART ACTION to keep Cooper Union Free*
This Friday, 6pm, we’re creating an “art-in” outside Cooper Union. Bring poetry, puppets, chalk, paints, pencils, easels, songs, tap dance routines. Free University folks will be there in solidarity. Spread the sweet word–>
RSVP here!

May 8, 2013 – Statement from Students occupying Cooper Union President’s Office

December 6, 2012 Free University statement of solidarity for Free Cooper Union

Live Updates:


***TEXT @studentblocnyc to 23559 TO JOIN THE TEXT LOOP***