Free University Meeting Minutes, April 7th, 2013

Introductions: we had a diverse group this week!

New School
CUNY Grad Center
All in the Red
Alternative Banking
Free Cooper Union

1. Mariya and Danica are presenting about Fre U at New School conference: can I have feeedback it’s on google docs this saturday
2. Alternative Banking has a couple of educators willing and ready to run some classes for May Day

–need access to registration spreadsheets from previous free universities Danica will provide
–Stonybrook has web presence: link on they have panels, rallies, screenings, and classes planned, and are bringing in students from high schools
–Allison has “We are Wisconsin”
–Stonybrook needs more educators
–Cooper Union want to do free university inside and outside; Victoria is sifting thru contacts to find folks who are committed
–next step in email blasts is emailing about cooper union and Stonybrook’s events
–Victoria says maybe Cooper Union can split up for multiple spaces
–need student convergence zone before Union Square convergence (maybe Cooper Square? At 3pm because Union Square convergence is at 4pm)
–need folks to speak at 3pm education convergence + transition session helping participants connect education activism to what is happening in other spaces (i.e. Union Square)
–worried some people will want to do the Free University at Cooper Union, but not want to participate in the Union Square, maybe the Cooper Cnion free university should continue on after union square convergence starts.. Victoria will reach out to fellow organizers to plan that.
–Cooper Union and Stonybrook should be prepared to do livestream of their events
–concrete next steps: statement and point of contact from Cooper Union
–get some more educators and participants for Stonybrook
–get SUNY contacts for Stonybrook (teachers’ unions at Stonybrook are protesting tuition hikes,fueling the planned rally; and it was just revealed that SUNY spent over $1 million lobbying for the right to raise tuition)
–get Cooper Union the “free u how to” as well as other events because they distribute literature and table events
–go thru Stonybrook website and get some material up on Free U main page as well as our FB page and eblasts.
–Free University in Rockaways???!!! (Mariya is point of contact)
–answer to Matt’s suggestions: perhaps expand into Astor.. must think of safety. Strong NLG presence and NY law collective to do workshops.. also designating Cooper Square as the “safer” space.. maybe NLG should do talks, maybe we should hand out hard copies educating folks on how to stay safe
–scheduling: comment section/forum on our website for folks to post about the classes that they will be hosting?
–create tab on for May Day 2013/Cooper Union and Stonybrook and other hosts
–3pm “education gathering” at Cooper Square on May Day.. get invite on website. We are still not sure what that will look like, and so are being intentionally vague about what it is.
–we will reach out to Columbia U organizers
–next meeting try to get more ppl at meeting; make it “all-city”; same time same place
–May 1st coalition report back: public form on april 20th, possibly Judson Church
–Mariya will bottom line reaching out for opinion about what Cooper Square “convergence” might look like/ be called/ how it would be advertised

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