These are 8 of 2,000+ bills that have been introduced to Congress.


HR 861: Terminate EPA – “The EPA shall terminate on December 31,2018.”

HR 610: Vouchers for Public Education – Changes distribution of federal tax dollars between public, private, and home schools. Repeals nutrition standards.

HR 899: Terminate DOE – Will terminate DOE by end of 2018.

HJR 69: Repeal rule Protecting Wildlife – Will get rid of US Fish and Wildlife regulation that bar killing wildlife for SPORT rather than necessity.

HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood –  Will prevent all federal funds to PP for 1 year unless proven that no federal money provides abortions. (It is already illegal to use federal funds for abortion.)

HR 785: National Right to Work – Weakens the power of labor unions, prohibits unions and employers from requiring workers to join union to get or keep job, could lead to lower wages, higher unemployment.

HR 83: Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities – Punishes sanctuary cities by restricting federal funding for at least 1 year.

HR 147: Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act – Imposes criminal penalties on any who performs or attempts to perform an abortion. Violation results in felony charge punishable by fines and prison sentences up to five years.
