GEOS is the Geology, Earth Science, and Oceanography Series of lectures and seminars. This is a student created, lead, and run organization. We are students in the Earth & Environmental Sciences Program at the CUNY Graduate Center.

The Earth Sciences are one of the oldest sciences, but it still remains one of the most dynamic.  Every day there are new, exciting advances in fields like Geophysics, Ocean-Atmosphere interactions, and Climate Science.

It can be difficult, even for professionals, to stay up to date on the latest research. That is why some of the students in the EES Program at the Grad Center decided to form an organization to invite and manage guest speakers on a variety of topics.  This allows us, and other members of the community at large, to hear about the cutting-edge in Earth Systems Science from leaders in the field, and then interact with them.

The GEOS lectures are intended to be open to the public. We hope that non-science students, as well as our fellow Geology students, both from our Campus and others, will be able to attend and find the talks informative and stimulating.