A Proposal to the GC Teaching and Learning Center

screen-shot-2017-10-02-at-8-24-53-pmIn the Fall of 2016 I applied for a TLC grant in response to a call from the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center. Much to my chagrin, I was called in for an interview, and was offered the grant. Though the WIMS project had already begun, this gave the project more legs to continue building the project out.

Below is the description of the grant, along with a copy of the application I submitted outlining my thoughts on the project at the time.

DESCRIPTION: TLC Grants of up to $2,500 will support the planning, execution, and public reflection upon a teaching and learning project that extends beyond an individual assignment, and which will make a broader contribution to conversations about teaching and learning. Examples of the kinds of proposals that might be funded in this category include research on teaching and learning, a workshop series or seminar on a specific pedagogical strategy, the purchase of software or hardware to facilitate a specific course or set of projects, and the beginning phases of research and development of educational technology tools, platforms, and projects. TLC Grant winners will be expected to design their project in collaboration with TLC staff, launch or implement the project in Spring 2017, reflect upon the project on the TLC website, and make a public presentation about the project.

[gview file=”http://opencuny.org/walkinginmyshoes/files/2017/10/HackettKristenTLCGrant.pdf”]