A Workshop organized by NYCoRE and Rachel Einbund, Esq.
Are your students asking you about “that Obama thing”?
Are you wondering what your role is in the Deferred Action process?
Are you interested in sharing ways of supporting immigrant youth with
other educators?
New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) and Rachel Einbund, Esq.
Deferred Action for Educators
Thursday, September 27th
6 pm – 8 pm
NYU 3rd Floor Pless Hall
82 Washington Square East
LEARN all about the new Deferred Action program, including important
legal guidelines for advising students
UNDERSTAND the facts about DACA and dispel the myths you may have heard
SHARE your experience with your students and help guide them in the
right direction
Refreshments will be provided
* Need information sooner? Check out these links:
New York Immigration Coalition
New York State Youth Leadership Council