Why Use Google Calendar

repost from ITP Core II:

Erin, I enjoyed reading your brief history of project management, especially that “chair planner”! Google Calendar is one tool that has really helped me organize my personal projects, like part time ed jobs, adjuncting and my research. It does seem a little banal to be talking calendars, but I think there are a few key affordances to the calendar in the cloud.

Relating to Julie’s post, unlike a pocket planner I never misplace my G Calendar (though sometimes I do enter things in the wrong date like March 2030 instead of next week).

In addition, I much appreciate being able to update my calendar from nearly anywhere, and then it sends me an email, a day or an hour before, depending on the setting. Often I don’t need that email reminder because the act of entering in an appointment into the calendar is a way of enforcing the memory in itself. In addition, having entered the info allows me to ‘feel’ more organized and then I am able to focus on the task at hand in a more productive way.

Finally, I don’t use my G Calendar for collaborative purposes but have occasionally been sent invites that show up there and have friends who report they share a calendar with their partner, and then have a calendar that is their own too. So I imagine this could work for research projects too.

30 Ways I Procrastinated Today

I’m supposed to be working on the paper I have to write before I officially start writing my dissertation proposal.

What I’ve done today is come up with some excellent ways to procrastinate.

A good long dog walk, Boomer needs it, and then she will rest and I can work.

Make tea (can’t work without tea)

Find cookies/chocolate anything sweet (can’t have tea without sweets).

Check my email (too boring) although deleting emails is a little more enjoyable.

Check the Nytimes, not inspired

Check Yahoo, still not feeling it.

Gawker, nothing, all three of these sites are writing about Chavez in different ways, none of it is interesting me right now.

Ahh grade psych 250 papers! This is something I have to do, but not necessarily today, but I will do it, yes. I feel accomplished.

eat a couple handfuls of blueberries

feed the soft and semi-moldy ones to Boomer

play One Game of Fifa 13

A frustrating loss

Rematch, I win!

Rematch again – no I shouldn’t , can’t

check email again

text my lovely wife, nothing really to say, just hw u? mis ya type things

check yahoo again

check apple stocks (note I currently have no stock in apple just checking)

brush the dog’s teeth

take a picture of brushing dog’s teeth

send myself picture

the wife will be getting home soon, call her, no answer,

I can’t start now because she is almost here, then I will have to stop and we will walk the dog together. She will say ‘I can just walk the dog’ and I will say ‘no I want to come I’ve been sitting here working all day’

I’ll work when we come back, I think.

The sun is sinking behind the palisades

I open a bottle of wine, maybe a glass will help me think, and some cheese, some type of blue, a soft brie, some smoked gouda and crackers.

write this blog post….

and not publish it until weeks later! How do you procrastinate?

My New Media Lab Blurb and Icon and a Critique Using WebNotes

Icon fin kreniske
My Icon

I recently joined the New Media Lab (NML) at the CUNY Graduate Center. The lab coordinators asked me to create an icon and write a blurb about my project that will be posted on the NML website. Here’s the blurb and click on the link at the bottom of the page to see my critique of my project icon and blurb.

Title: Is Blogging Good For Your Health?

Research indicates that writing about college experiences in a private context can lead to positive health and academic outcomes for college students (Pennebaker & Francis, 1996).  Recently Finkel et al. (2013) showed how a writing intervention had a positive influence on married couples happiness. Daiute et al. (2003) and Cohen and Riel (1989) demonstrated how audience is a key component of writing. Do the positive benefits of writing persist when that audience is the general public, as is the case when blogging. Or must the audience be specifically chosen by the writer in order to contribute to positive health outcomes?

Currently I am exploring a variety of platforms including blogger, wordpress, and edublogs to determine which will work best for this project. Following the initial phase of selecting a platform I plan to create and pilot test at least three blogging templates. During the research project participants will be able to select one of the three templates to use for their blog. The final research project will analyze how participants write in the blog setting as compared to a more private MS Word setting.

Who will the participants be?

What will the writing prompts be?

On my blog you can follow the progress as I develop these tools and concretize my method.

Brief Note on my WebNotes Critique:

I wanted to use WebNotes to critique the real NML page, however, it will not be posted for another couple of weeks and this assignment for ITP Core II is due by Tuesday. So I have pasted the blurb and icon on my blog above. Then I used WebNotes to comment on this icon and blurb. I found it a bit overwhelming when I looked at the WebNotes; to ameliorate this I suggest minimizing all of the stickies and then going through and maximizing and minimizing as you please.

Hands on a Hard Body Rocks!

hands on a hard body reg

repost from Nymag reviews:

I went to the first night of previews (2/23) and the show was spectacular. The characters were authentic, their dilemmas reflecting the current economic circumstances faced by everyday working Americans, without being didactic. Some of the most memorable performances were delivered by Keith Carradine (JD Drew) an over fifty oil rig worker injured on the job with no pension, Keala Settle (Norma Valverde) a mother trying to help their family make ends meet, and Corey Mach (I think) a veteran struggling to adjust back home.

The score (written by Trey Anastasio) with it’s country twang remains original and surprising while the lyrics (by Amanda Green) at times provide comic relief and at other moments set the somber mood.

Before the show I could not help wondering how the story, based on a documentary, could keep my attention for two hours. To find out you have to see for yourself. Bravo to Doug Wright for creating a powerful and thoroughly enjoyable musical.

On it’s first night of previews the audience rewarded this production with a standing ovation. It truly was one of the best Broadway shows I have ever seen.

Ideas on Digital Assignments in response to June 2009 Academic Commons

repost from Core II ITP blog:

I recently got lost in time as I perused the June 2009 issue of Academic Commons.  For years I thought peruse meant to leisurely browse, but then I learned it means to read deeply or scrutinize. I still think of the word peruse in a playful way.

These articles seemed to reinforce many of the ideas we talked about last semester, and continue to discuss in the current ITP term. One of the main framing points for these papers is that in the current era students need to practice analysis of material not content regurgitation (Wesch, 2009).

Each article is quite rich so I’ll just pull a few of the parts that struck me and maybe people can add their perspectives on what they found most intriguing, whether from my post or otherwise.

Bass et al. (2009) quote Davidson saying “The whole system of credentialing, grading, evaluating, writing recommendations, all of that, is antithetical to true participatory learning formats and learning communities. Higher education has never figured out if its primary goal is learning or if its primary goal is training citizens for elite positions of class power and leadership. The whole system of ranking (among institutions and among students) is based on “distinctions,” as Bourdieu would say. Participatory learning, especially when it is anonymous, contests the bases and even the sanctity of many of those distinctions”.

I’m puzzled; Higher ed is both, is neither, is both but shouldn’t be either? Agree, disagree?

The Yancey article on E-portfolios was intriguing and is perhaps especially relevant to Humanities or creative writing and digital art programs. I wonder how relevant an e-portfolio is for social science or hard science students? I guess this comes down to the question of what is valued. In my field, psych, the value seems to be placed on tight impersonal writing. I wonder what a student would gain by developing an E-portfolio of their research reports. Okay they would gain knowledge about digital tools, but how does this help them if their goal is to be a biologist? Wouldn’t their time be best spent crafting their writing and reading about their content area?

If pressed, I might say that one activity for a psych student could be to do a ds106 type creation of their research project. Perhaps film the data collection, a few interview clips, and then share this. As an instructor I would be a little concerned about the department giving me a hard time for having undergrads film their participants and not following all of the necessary ethical procedures for recruitment. I guess that would push me to be better versed on these procedures, so it could be a good thing.

Finally, I find assessment is one of the most challenging parts of teaching a course. I use a research paper rubric and a presentation rubric. Even with a rubric I find it really challenging to grade student presentations. Perhaps it comes from an inner contradiction about who I am as an instructor; I want my students to work hard and earn their grades. But how do I measure ‘hard work’. I don’t want to be a dream crusher nor do I want to be a pushover, and striking the balance is a great challenge. I like what Rhodes is doing in creating a broad interdisciplinary rubric. One shortcoming of the Rhodes rubric is there is no section for basic writing mechanics.

Any interesting ideas for integrating digital assignments into the courses you teach or participate in? Any assessment ideas? Other thoughts?


Thoughts on Prezi

repost from Cuny Commons Kitchen Sink/Kitchen Table Utilities  (a great list of educational resources!) and my contribution on Prezi:

Prezi is an interactive presentation tool that can incorporate a variety of media including pictures, sounds, images and video and it is free with an .edu email account. I have found that Prezi is an excellent and engaging medium for presenting information.

I use Prezi online. There is a function where you can work with Prezi offline but I have found this difficult to use. Therefore if you are not sure you will have a reliable Internet connection at the location where you plan to present you may want to avoid using Prezi. One other caveat, be sure that the computer you will present with has an updated version of Flashplayer.

Personal Anecdote: I used Prezi to share my M.A. thesis. This was a high stress situation, all of our faculty and a number of fellow students were in attendance. Luckily we had a practice run the week before in the same room where I was to present. At the start of this practice session I realized the computer did not have an updated version of Flashplayer, I did not have admin privileges and therefore my presentation did not work. This was almost a total disaster! Later in the week I was able to resolve this problem and the presentation went well. Afterward a few people asked me how things like ‘How did you make PowerPoint do that?’

The above noted, Prezi has a great feel and it is definitely worth experimenting with. I find my students are more engaged when I present material with Prezi as opposed to PowerPoint. In part this could be because the design of Prezi encourages less print on the screen.

Although my students liked when I used Prezi, none of them chose to use Prezi for their final presentations. On the section of their presentation grading rubric there were categories for organization and design, but these points could be earned just as easily with a well conceived PowerPoint presentation. In the future I might offer some incentive for using Prezi. I myself only learned Prezi because I was in a professional development seminar and we had an hour to play with the program, and after years in college lecture halls I have been conditioned to put my head down and drool when I see PowerPoint templates.

For people with little time or high stakes, as in the case of giving a major presentation, I wonder if Prezi should be encouraged? It seems in some ways the risks outweigh the benefits.

Disclaimer: I am no expert in Prezi but if you want to check out some of my quick creations, enjoy!