A New Form of Black-Korean Relations

New Trends, Old Conflicts: New Black-Korean Relations in an Era of Global Racism and Global Media

Based on critical media analysis, archival research, and in-depth interviews with both Koreans and non-Koreans in the U.S. and Korea, this project aims to unpack understudied questions about recent cases of interracial relations between Koreans and Black people by emphasizing the media and entertainment industries and the two major racial movements. Past research looks at direct conflicts between Korean merchants and Black clients in low-income Black neighborhoods, but my project suggests that a new form of interracial relations has been formed and reinforced in online communities with relatively little physical contact with each other in the global media. By emphasizing and analyzing voices of individuals in both continents, this project (re)locates the meanings of cultural appropriation, colorism, and racism in East Asian geopolitics; furthermore, it offers new insight into interracial relations in transnational contexts beyond the U.S.

I have been invited to present my work at the various colloquiums and conferences, including the University of Vermont in 2022, the American Studies Association of Korea in 2022, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2021, and the Korean Wave in North America (virtual conference), and George Mason University in 2021. It was introduced at various conferences, including the Association of Asia Studies, and the American Sociological Association in 2022.

This project is supported by the PSC-CUNY Research Award (Cycle 52, #64092-00 52) and the Korean Studies Grant by the Academy of Korean Studies in Korea, as well as a new PSC-CUNY Award (Cycle 54, Traditional B).


I was fortunate to recruit and interview over 150 individuals from various backgrounds, both in Korea and the U.S., including Black K-pop fans in both countries. I am still recruiting potential participants, particularly Black Americans living in Korea and Korean Americans both in the U.S. and Korea. If you are interested, please email me at jkim50@smith.edu



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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.