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Report on Limited Equity Co-ops in Manhattan’s Clinton Neighborhood (2002)

The Clinton Seed Fund, a revolving loan fund supporting affordable housing, commissioned HERG to study the physical and financial condition of limited-equity co-ops in Manhattan’s Clinton neighborhood. In the 1980s and 1990s this area of New York, located between the Theater District and the Hudson River, came under intense gentrification pressure. One of the countervailing forces against gentrification was provided by limited-equity co-ops, formed when the city government seized buildings for tax arrears and then sold them to residents as co-ops. (These new ownership arrangements were known as Housing Development Finance

Products of this HERG study include a report to the sponsor detailing the physical and financial status of the Clinton HDFCs, as well as their management effectiveness and stability and their overall viability as housing for low- and moderate-income residents:

Clinton Seed Fund Report on the HDFCs (2002)

A draft paper: Limited Equity Co-ops as Bulwarks against Gentrification


Maps containing a variety geographic, statistical and census data from the CSF project:

All maps at medium resolution in one zip file (3.2mb)

All maps at high resolution in one zip file (18.2mb)

(You will need a file compression tool such as Winzip to extract these files.)

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