Introducing Formations

The first issue of the SSA-sponsored journal Formations is now available. We are happy to have a wide range of contributors in our inaugural issue.

Read Abe Walker (sociology, CUNY Graduate Center) on the Anderson–Thompson debate in relation to historical–comparative sociology, Haj Yazdiha (sociology, Brooklyn College) on hybridity and cultural identity, Melissa Maldonado-Salcedo (anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center) on Porteña fashion in Argentina, Nolen Gertz (philosophy, The New School) on psychoanalysis and the trauma of killing in times of war, and Alan Bourke (sociology, York University) on urban renewal in Ireland. You’ll also find a commentary piece by three Graduate Center sociologists on the supposed comeback of the culture-of-poverty discourse in the United States, and a guest editorial by Graduate Center and Queens College professor of sociology Patricia Clough, excerpted from her keynote address at our first annual graduate student conference last year.

We hope you’ll agree that it’s an admirable start. Please consider submitting your work for our second issue, slated for spring 2011.

Author: Sociology Students Association

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