May Day in America

[The Free University of NYC was born out of calls for a General Strike on May 1, 2012.  Right now we are cooking up plans for May Day 2013, and we invite you to get involved with the planning process. See the meeting minutes and events pages on this website for more information about the planning process. In the meantime, here is a short essay on the history of May Day in America. With deep respect, Gregory.]

May Day 2012 NYC






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Minutes: March 2, 2013

Meeting minutes from the general meeting of the Free University of NYC at 60 Wall Street, March 2, 2013, 1-3pm:


-vote on May Day proposal

-read through/edit the May Day “pitch”

-status of Free U “toolkit”?

-status of alternative budget project?

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Friday Roundup: Student Movement Stories

Originally published on March 1st on at Student Activism ( This occasional roundup of student movement stories is put together by Isabelle Nastasia, a CUNY undergrad, New York Students Rising organizer.

Rest in Power, Trayvon Martin:

The Acts of Courage and Kindness that Came After Trayvon Martin’s Death – Colorlines

Marching to Sanford  (a short documentary featuring the Dream Defenders, a coalition of black and brown youth fighting for immigration reform and an end to the school to prison pipeline and the prison industrial complex.) Continue reading

Students Occupy University President’s Office To Protest Naming Stadium After Private Prison Company

Originally published on ThinkProgress, Feb 26th 2013.

By Adam Peck on Feb 26, 2013 at 1:30 pm

Last week, the administration of Florida Atlantic University raised eyebrows when officials announced that they had sold the naming rights to the school’s new football stadium to the GEO Group, the nation’s second-largest private prison company.

And students aren’t taking the deal lying down. On Monday afternoon, dozens of activists staged a sit-in inside university President Mary Jo Saunders’ office demanding FAU revoke their agreement with GEO Group. After two hours, Saunders agreed to schedule a public meeting with the university community, according to the Palm Beach Post: Continue reading

Class War University

An amazing aggregate of resources, the Class War University blog speaks directly to issues that are important to the Free University. Their many thoughtful posts are proof positive that “we’re unstoppable, another world is possible!” Check out the latest piece, an interview of Stefano Harney and Fred Moten on “Studying through the Undercommons.”

Education ministry’s office vandalized with red paint ahead of summit

By Anne Sutherland
Originally published by the Montreal Gazette, February 25, 2013

A security guard stands at the vandalized entrance of the 600 Fullum St. building that houses the offices of the Ministry of Education. The Summit on Higher Education begins Monday. Red was the colour used by the striking students last spring. Photograph by: Dario Ayala , The Gazette

A security guard stands at the vandalized entrance of the 600 Fullum St. building that houses the offices of the Ministry of Education. The Summit on Higher Education begins Monday. Red was the colour used by the striking students last spring.
Photograph by: Dario Ayala , The Gazette


MONTREAL — The offices of the Ministry of Education were vandalized overnight Sunday to Monday with red paint covering the door and windows.

The Montreal offices at 600 Fullum St. were hit sometime between 9:30 p.m. Sunday and 3:20 a.m. Monday when police patrolling in the Ville Marie borough noticed the damage. No arrests and no description of the vandals were immediately available. Continue reading

Minutes: February 24, 2013

Meeting minutes from the open meeting of the Free University of NYC at 60 Wall Street, February, 24, 2013, 1-3pm:

Plan for March 14? There doesn’t seem to be much happening locally in support of the call from Students for a Democratic Society [SDS]/Occupy Colleges for a National Day of Action to Defend Public Education. The event is scheduled for Thursday, March 14. We have discussed this event over the course of several meetings now, and have no position/plan of action for the day. See here for the national call: Continue reading

“We Will Not Defer to You, Jamshed”: Deferred Applicants Speak out at the Cooper Union


Cooper Union, Feb. 20, 2013








Students at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City unfurled a “Free Education to All” banner from a third story window today as about one hundred students, faculty, and supporters demonstrated below. The event was just one of many in what is an ongoing struggle over whether or not to institute tuition at the historically free university. Many folks involved in the Free University of NYC were there today to show  our solidarity, as we have before and will continue to do until the Cooper Union affirms its historic mission to provide an education that is as “free as air and water.” Continue reading

Making Sense of MOOCs: Musings in a Maze of Myth, Paradox and Possibility

By Sir John Daniel, Fellow, Korea National Open University; Education Master, DeTao Masters Academy, China
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the educational buzzword of 2012. Media frenzy surrounds them and commercial interests have moved in. Sober analysis is overwhelmed by apocalyptic predictions that ignore the history of earlier educational technology fads.  The paper describes the short history of MOOCs and sets them in the wider context of the evolution of educational technology and open/distance learning. While the hype about MOOCs presaging a revolution in higher education has focussed on their scale, the real revolution is that universities with scarcity at the heart of their business models are embracing openness. We explore the paradoxes that permeate the MOOCs movement and explode some myths enlisted in its support. The competition inherent in the gadarene rush to offer MOOCs will create a sea change by obliging participating institutions to revisit their missions and focus on teaching quality and students as never before. It could also create a welcome deflationary trend in the costs of higher education. Continue reading

A Culture of Resistance: Lessons Learned from the Student Liberation Action Movement

Originally Published on Upping the Anti @

By Suzy Subways

In March 1995, 20,000 students from City University of New York (CUNY) were attacked by police after surrounding city hall to protest a draconian tuition increase. This protest, organized by the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts, marked an upsurge in student movement activity that continued into 1996, when the group transformed into the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), a multiracial radical organization. Before disbanding in 2004, SLAM established chapters at CUNY colleges in all five boroughs of the city. This roundtable focuses on the chapter at Hunter College in Manhattan and explores SLAM’s legacy of building a left culture in New York City and across the country. Continue reading