Author Archives: zoltangluck

Call for Papers: The New Youth Movements

Call For Papers: American Anthropological Association

Annual Conference: Chicago, Illinois – November 20th – 24th, 2013

Panel Title: The New “Youth Movements”: Political Subjectivity, Crisis, and Resistance

Panel Organizers: Manissa McCleave Maharawal (, CUNY Graduate Center; Zoltán Glück, (, CUNY Graduate Center

In late October, 2011 Egyptian activists wrote a solidarity letter to Occupy Wall Street in which they stated: “an entire generation across the globe has grown up realizing, rationally and emotionally, that we have no future in the current order of things,” (Guardian 2011). Identifying a commonality in their struggles, the letter expresses a blunt urgency; that their generation is going to have to create “what we can no longer wait for” (ibid). This urgency was also seemingly felt by thousands around the world as youth-led movements over the past two years have toppled governments from Tunis to Montreal. Within these movements, and in their wake, new forms of political practices, political identities, and solidarities have emerged and begun to change the way that young people facing dire social and economic challenges understand their lived reality. Youth worldwide continue to be hit the hardest by the global economic turbulence and job crises (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2012) and are slated for continued economic struggles. However, as shown by their overwhelming participation in various political struggles around the globe, youth are challenging these conditions in a myriad of complex and organized ways. Continue reading

Race, Class, and Disaster Gentrification

By Zoltán Glück

First published at Tidal (

In the days and weeks following Hurricane Sandy the inequalities at the heart of New York City could scarcely be missed.  While hundreds of thousands of public housing residents went without heat, hot water or electricity, Mayor Michael Bloomberg rushed to get the stock exchange up and running within 48 hours—a stark reminder of whose lives and well-being are valued by current administration. In the immediate aftermath of disasters such contrasts lay bare the violence of race and class.  Who is able to leave and who is able to return are questions about access to resources, vulnerability, and the existing geographies of economic and social inequality. But it is through the process of reconstruction that existing racial and class iniquities are truly reproduced and deepened. In New York City, as the power has finally come back on for residents and as reconstruction efforts plod along, it is perhaps time for a look at how these dynamics are playing out.

Red Hook Houses Without Power After Hurricane Sandy
Red Hook Houses Without Power After Hurricane Sandy Continue reading

Coverage of the NYU Vote of No Confidence

On Friday, March 15th, NYU faculty will be registering their Vote of No Confidence in president John Sexton. Here are some excellent background readings on the issue.

-Nick Pinto’s excellent article in the Village voice about politics and economic of the NYU growth machine model of higher education:

-NY Times article about the Vote of No Confidence:

-An article at NYU Local about the upcoming vote:

-A fascinating article on the email exchanges between Administration and Faculty in the wake of the scandal over top-administrators’ severance packages:

Friday Roundup: Student Movement Stories

Originally published on March 1st on at Student Activism ( This occasional roundup of student movement stories is put together by Isabelle Nastasia, a CUNY undergrad, New York Students Rising organizer.

Rest in Power, Trayvon Martin:

The Acts of Courage and Kindness that Came After Trayvon Martin’s Death – Colorlines

Marching to Sanford  (a short documentary featuring the Dream Defenders, a coalition of black and brown youth fighting for immigration reform and an end to the school to prison pipeline and the prison industrial complex.) Continue reading

Students Occupy University President’s Office To Protest Naming Stadium After Private Prison Company

Originally published on ThinkProgress, Feb 26th 2013.

By Adam Peck on Feb 26, 2013 at 1:30 pm

Last week, the administration of Florida Atlantic University raised eyebrows when officials announced that they had sold the naming rights to the school’s new football stadium to the GEO Group, the nation’s second-largest private prison company.

And students aren’t taking the deal lying down. On Monday afternoon, dozens of activists staged a sit-in inside university President Mary Jo Saunders’ office demanding FAU revoke their agreement with GEO Group. After two hours, Saunders agreed to schedule a public meeting with the university community, according to the Palm Beach Post: Continue reading

A Culture of Resistance: Lessons Learned from the Student Liberation Action Movement

Originally Published on Upping the Anti @

By Suzy Subways

In March 1995, 20,000 students from City University of New York (CUNY) were attacked by police after surrounding city hall to protest a draconian tuition increase. This protest, organized by the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts, marked an upsurge in student movement activity that continued into 1996, when the group transformed into the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), a multiracial radical organization. Before disbanding in 2004, SLAM established chapters at CUNY colleges in all five boroughs of the city. This roundtable focuses on the chapter at Hunter College in Manhattan and explores SLAM’s legacy of building a left culture in New York City and across the country. Continue reading

CUNY’s Pathways Initiative and the Future of Higher Education Reform

By James Dennis

Originally Published in Dissent Magazine, February 12th, 2013

[Photo of Brooklyn College, CUNY, by Salim Virji, 2009, Flickr creative commons]

What began as a fight between English faculty and the administration at a small urban community college is quickly becoming the front line in a national struggle over the future of higher education. As of this writing, two of the largest faculty organizations in the country, the Modern Language Association and the American Association of University Professors, have taken strong public stands against the City University of New York’s controversial Pathways to Degree Completion initiative, which supporters claim will streamline transfers between branches of the university system and increase graduation rates. These denouncements follow the creation of a national petition against Pathways and a spirited and growing campaign by the Professional Staff Congress, CUNY’s faculty union, to resist the proposed changes. Continue reading

The courage of the vigilante feminists is contagious

The Free University dedicates this Valentine’s Day re-posting of Laurie Penny’s article to all of the feminists world wide who work daily to smash patriarchy and end gender based violence.

Originally published in the Guardian. February, 12th 2013 (


Egyptian woman protester holds up a knife

Protesters hold up knives in a show of defiance during a protest in Cairo against rape and sexual harrassment on 6 February 2013. Photograph: AFP/Getty

“I’m sick of being ashamed.” Three days ago, an anti-harassment activist said those words to me in a flat above Cairo’s Tahrir square, as she pulled on her makeshift uniform ready to protect women on the protest lines from being raped in the street. Only days before, I’d heard exactly the same words from pro-choice organisers in Dublin, where I travelled to report on the feminist fight to legalise abortion in Ireland. I had thought that I was covering two separate stories – so why were two women from different countries and backgrounds repeating the same mantra against fear, and against shame? Continue reading

Higher education under threat in Hungary


This article was originally published on OpenDemocracy, February 11, 2013. (ároly-füzessi/higher-education-under-threat-in-hungary)

The drastic higher education reforms the Hungarian government has introduced in the last months of 2012 have sparked nationwide protests. But while the government continues to implement contradictory reform, resistance from below is gaining ground.


556163_346570122123485_817643779_nThe SituationSince the current government came into power in 2010, changes in the education system have been generally characterized by centralization, state control, overregulation and questioning of the role of the intelligentsia and the importance of higher education. Continue reading

“This Generation Has a Flash of Realization in the Middle of a Crisis”: A Discussion on the Student demonstrations in Hungary

Originally Publish on CriticAtac (, Febreuary 10th, 2013
imageIn December 2012 students started a series of demonstrations against recent government reforms of higher education. In Budapest and many other towns the students set up discussion forums, organized strikes, and occupied streets, squares and bridges. Besides the slowly reacting official national and local Student Union (HÖK, HÖOK), the newly organized Student Network (SN, HaHa) has had a major role in organizing events. SN aims to be a horizontally, bottom-up organized body representing the interests of students. On December 10, at the forum of SN, students accepted a list of six major demands. While the official student union was attempting to negotiate a compromise with the representatives of the government and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the SN presented an ultimatum to the government: unless they meet the demands by February 11, the students will use all means to exert pressure. The six points of SN are the following: Continue reading