Author Archives: conortomasreed

Free University thanks you for co-transforming Cooper Union and Stonybrook on May Day 2013!

Dear May Day Cooper Union and SUNY Stonybrook Free University participants,

Thank you again for helping to make Wednesday’s events such a wonderful success!! We held several dozen workshops with several hundred participants of all ages, all of whom contributed to transforming education into a free, accessible, social justice-oriented, creative, caring, and interactive practice. Our focus on education as direct action was illustrated in NYC at the afternoon education convergence, Union Square rally and downtown march, and evening Washington Square dance party, as well as in Stonybrook at the protest outside President Stanley’s office. These kinds of actions sustain our visions of interconnected community struggles and celebrations to free education. Continue reading

Celebrate Free University’s 1-year birthday this May Day 2013

Happy Birthday, Free University! Happy May Day, NYC!

May Day Free University schedules of events:
– Cooper Union
– SUNY Stony Brook
– 3pm Education Convergence
– 4pm: March to May Day Rally at Union Sq (Education Bloc Meet-Up: Union Sq West & 16th St)
– 5pm: Education Bloc marches in the May Day march to City Hall
– 9pm Dance Party to Free Education 
General May Day NYC schedule

Free U Facebook page (share your photos of today!)
Join OpenCUNY to spread Free University ideas online
May Day communications updates: text @studentblocnyc to 23559

Get rowdy and take care out there,
-Free U

One Day til May Day!

Here’s how you can help make it magical…

1. Spread the word today about the May Day Cooper Union and SUNY Stonybrook Free U schedules, 3pm NYC Education Convergence, and 9pm Dance Party:

2. Help Occupy the Twittersphere about why and how our universities and communities should be freed. See OpenCUNY’s project here:

3. Bring some birthday cake (or other desserts), plates, forks, and napkins to Cooper Union and Stonybrook to celebrate Free University’s 1-year birthday!

4. Connect with friends, lovers, classmates, co-workers, neighbors, and fellow travelers to prepare today for a full day tomorrow of direct democracy and people power. That includes a good night’s sleep and goodies/liquids packed for all day. See more valuable details here:

5. Receive (minimal) updates/announcement on May Day education activities by joining this celly loop. Text @studentblocnyc to 23559

See you in the parks and on the streets!
with LOVE LOVE LOVE because we’re WORTH IT,

-Free University of NYC

2 days til May Day! Cooper Union and SUNY Stonybrook schedules are up!

Feast your imaginations:

Cooper Union Free University schedule
SUNY Stonybrook Free University schedule

See these lovely videos from two of our past Free Universities:

May Day Free University 2012

September 18-22 Free University 2012

3 days til May Day

Please spread the word—we welcome more Free U presenters and participants!
3 days til May Day.

Register here for Cooper Union
Register here for Stonybrook
May Day Education Convergence / Dance Party event page

IA book bloc

Free University of NYC – May Day Call to Education

Turn the City into a Free University!  A Free University in Every Park!

May Day 2013
Multiple Free Universities across NYC
Call to Education

The Free University of NYC invites neighborhood organizations, schools, unions, spiritual centers, and other community education-oriented groups to create your own Free Universities this May 1st. Continue reading