“Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance”

“Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance”
Free University in Marcus Garvey Park

Saturday, June 15th
12pm – 6pm
Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem
(enter the south side at 120th st and 5th ave)

The actions and writings of Assata Shakur, a Black Liberation activist living in exile in Cuba,  have been influential to a wide range of activists. Our theme – “Assata Shakur’s Legacy & Lives of Resistance” – connects Assata Shakur’s political and personal work with a network of people who have dedicated our lives to struggle, celebration, and social change.

In solidarity with the “Assata Teach-In” series, this Free University-NYC and Brecht Forum collaboration invites friends, families, comrades, and community groups to learn and share transformative education in public space. A potluck dinner will be served at 6pm (please RSVP so we can prepare enough food).

**Register/contribute classes – fill out THIS FORM**
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Confirmed classes:
-Assata Shakur’s Legacy (Brecht Forum)
-Prison education: liberation and cooptation (Progressive Education Initiative)
-Teaching Assata at Riker’s Island (CUNY professor Tony Gronowicz)

We invite you to contribute workshops relating to this Free U’s theme. Some suggestions:
*Political Resistance – Stop Stop & Frisk; know-your-rights training; stories of Assata Shakur and other political prisoners and exiles in the U.S. and around the world.
*Education Resistance – votes of no confidence; test boycotts; student strikes; decolonizing curriculum and classrooms; halting the school-to-prison pipeline and school closures.
*Spaces of Resistance – prisoners’ struggles; campaigns to end immigrant raids and deportations; housing and financial rights workshops.

Come to our next planning meeting!
June 8 – 12pm – City Hall Park fountain (enter Park Row and Beekman st, Manhattan)
We invite you to take active part in coordinating this event. Any and all skills in dialogue facilitation, community outreach, online publicity, video/audio documentation, event logistics, info table welcoming & support, food preparation, and more are heartily welcome.

Email FreeUniversityNYC@gmail.com for more information.

Info links:

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