Free University of NYC – May Day Call to Education

Turn the City into a Free University!  A Free University in Every Park!

May Day 2013
Multiple Free Universities across NYC
Call to Education

The Free University of NYC invites neighborhood organizations, schools, unions, spiritual centers, and other community education-oriented groups to create your own Free Universities this May 1st.

The impetus behind this May Day call to education is to encourage local communities to host your own gatherings of free education to ensure they’re directly relevant and empowering on a ground level. Instead of creating one large event, our focus this May 1st will be to cultivate a network of Free Universities that can be sustainably rooted in community-based education across NYC. We think this new model can build on the best aspects of The Free University, and also support local momentum to create spaces for free radical education.

How we can help: The Free University can provide outreach, press, publicity, and logistical support for your local Free U. Our website,, can host an interactive map and schedule of events for all NYC Free U’s. We also created a “toolkit” that explains how to create a Free University (see below). Free U members can offer facilitation training and support on-the-ground troubleshooting on May 1.

Following morning and early afternoon Free U sessions on May Day, a city-wide Education Convergence will meet in Cooper Square Park at 3PM. This will be an opportunity to build solidarity, dialogue, and community among the multiple Free U’s, and a chance to collectively envision future Free U’s and more on the horizon. At 4PM we’ll march to Union Square to join the city-wide May Day Rally and March. At 9PM a dance party to free education will meet at the Washington Square Park fountain.

Please confirm your participation at

See Stony Brook and Cooper Union Free University May Day sites to inspire your own:

Twitter: @FreeUnivNYC
Free U Facebook group:

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