Notes from our Sun, Feb 9, Open House people’s potluck

Big gratitude for those who gathered today to share community and bright ideas. Our next Free University session will be Saturday, 2/15, @2pm (location to be determined). Please mark yr calendars.

Here are notes from today’s potluck + visioning session…

*lessons from our past work:
– make events/mtgs scheduling consistent
– create within our capacity
– playfulness is powerful!
– food/drinks are key organizing tools
– include short readings with event themes
– video-document for wider event lasting power

*winter Free U public spaces to consider:
– subway stations
– atriums
– museums

*event ideas:
– “subway station salons” – hold a “pop-up” dialogue in a station to engage with a wide array of New Yorkers on social issues. make it a performative, fun, short burst of political contact to spread the word about Free U. Goal: try hosting one at the end of February on “Our Right to the City”!
– museum tours – similar aim to transform a space with community dialogue (ex: Brooklyn Museum 1st Saturday).
– film screenings
– more “counter-classes”
– “Free coffee with Free University” tabling in public spaces – small-scale personable outreach
– good ol’ fashioned flash mobs!

*themes/potential collaborators:
– de Blasio’s election – what does it mean for building NYC power from below?
– learning about international movements (Brazil’s and Sweden’s mass fare-hopping actions
– people of color-led race, gender, and LGBTQI justice (Dream Defenders, Safe Outside the System)
– environmental justice – anti-fracking, XL pipeline, TPP (
– surveillance then and now – on COINTELPRO and PRISM
– linking east/west coast education & anti-militarization struggles (No 2 Napolitano @UC, Save City College of SF, anti-ROTC town halls)
– Our Right to the City – demanding universal school lunch, pre-K, affordable housing, food, open hospitals, transportation, etc.

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