Mon, 9/30, 6pm – Free University “Counter-Class”: Connections between Petraeus & Pathways

Free University “Counter-Class”:
Connections between Petraeus and Pathways

Monday, September 30, 6pm
Baruch College, outside Vertical Campus building
East 25th street between Lexington and 3rd ave
(trains: 6 to 23rd st, N/R to 23rd st)

Join the Free University for the **second** in a biweekly series of “Counter-Classes” to immediately follow General David Petraeus’s course, “Are We on the Threshold of the North American Decade?” We intend to counter his course with critical education of our own.

On Monday, September 30, we will have a 6pm counter-class outside Baruch College’s Vertical Campus building, after the CUNY Board of Trustees meeting. Our dialogue will explore the connections between the decision-making process and politics of hiring David Petraeus, the implementation of CUNY Pathways, and the administration’s disregard for student and faculty input in these and many other university decisions. We invite students, faculty, and staff to strategically unite and make our voices heard.

Preceding our event will be a Professional Staff Congress-led demonstration, 3:30pm-5:30pm outside Baruch College’s Vertical Campus, to protest the Board of Trustees meeting.


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