Free University “Counter-Classes” begin this Monday 9/16!

Free University “Counter-Class”
Monday, September 16, 6-8pm
67th Street and Central Park West entrance to Sheep Meadow
(trains: B/C to 72nd St, 1 to 66th St-Lincoln Center)

We look forward to joining you this Monday, September 16, to kick off our “Counter-Classes” series this semester. We will host a 6pm dialogue on the conflict in Syria, shifting plans for imperialist interventions, and how we can oppose U.S. empire abroad and the militarization of our schools at home. Anthony Alessandrini (Kingsborough Community College) and Rayya El Zein (City College of New York/CUNY Graduate Center) will offer opening remarks. The discussion will link thematic political education with strategies to connect, collaborate, and create ideas for future “counter-classes.” Because it may rain earlier in the day, bring a plastic bag or tarp to sit on the grass. Please spread the word with friends, classmates, colleagues, and comrades.


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