Free U strategy mtg this Saturday, August 3, @12pm

UPDATE: Rain relocation plan for today’s 12pm mtg:

It looks like things may get drizzly by noon, so let’s move to Think Coffee at 3rd and Mercer! Call 979.204.9253 if you get lost.

Free U fam: Our next coordination mtg will be this Saturday, August 3, at Washington Square Park. Meet at 12pm at the fountain, and we’ll find a spot on the grass nearby. This can be an opportunity to reflect on our summer’s events, as well as strategize Free U’s future direction and impact. As the Fall 2013 semester soon approaches, and a variety of solid NYC organizing campaigns are picking up traction, let’s discuss how best to use our skills, resources, and networks to continue transforming our education (both in and out of schools) and communities. See you there!

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