Palatography Workshop

Graduate Center New York

Professor Doug Whalen will demonstrate static palatography techniques to interested students of the Graduate Center Linguistics and Speech Departments.

Zygmunt Frazyngier – When a language codes affectedness

CUNY Graduate Center 365 Fifth Ave, New York, United States

Zygmunt Frajzyngier, professor of Linguistics at the University of Colorado, will give a talk at the CUNY Graduate Center Linguistics Colloquium series on When a language codes affectedness. A pdf of the talk abstract can be found here.

Christian DiCanio – Fieldwork and tone in Mexico

Graduate Center Rm 3305

At 2pm, Christian DiCanio, Research Associate at Haskins Laboratories, will offer an informal workshop, "Fieldwork and tone in Mexico".  This workshop is free and open to the public and will take place in room 3305 at the Graduate Center. It … Continue reading

Christian DiCanio – Coarticulatory variation in Trique tone

Christian DiCanio, Research Associate at Haskins Laboratories, will give an invitied talk at 4:15, at the Linguistics Program in Room 6417. The abstract for the talk follows. ======================= Coarticulatory variation in Trique tone The production of speech involves substantial variation. How a single … Continue reading