I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts

Here’s an article I wrote for the Hawaii Independent reflecting on a recent school excursion to Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa / Pearl Harbor, and contemporary meanings of Pearl Harbor as national myth:

I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts

By Kyle Kajihiro

HONOLULU—On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, I helped lead a field trip to Ke Awalau o Puʻuloa (Pearl Harbor) for 57 inner-city Honolulu high school students. We were studying the history of World War II, its root causes, consequences, and lessons. We also sought to uncover the buried history of Ke Awalau o Puʻuloa, once a life-giving treasure for the native inhabitants of O‘ahu, the object of U.S. imperial desire and raison d’etre for the overthrow and annexation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

A recurring theme in this excursion was the ʻōlelo noʻeau or Hawaiian proverb: “I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope”  “In the time in front (the past), the time in back (the future).” Kanaka Maoli view the world by looking back at what came before because the past is rich in knowledge and wisdom that must inform the perspectives and actions in the present and future. Or another way to say it might be to quote from William Faulkner’s Requiem for a Nun: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Throughout our field trip, the past kept reasserting itself into our present.

To prepare for our visit, we impressed upon the youth that while our objective was to engage in critical historical investigation, we needed to maintain a solemn respect for Ke Awalau o Pu‘uloa as a sacred place and a memorial. It is a place where the blood and remains of many who died in battle mingle with the bones of ancient Kanaka Maoli chiefs lying beneath asphalt and limestone on Moku‘ume‘ume (Ford Island). It is a wahi pana, a legendary place, where the great shark goddess Kaʻahupāhau issued a kapu on the taking of human life after she killed a girl in a rage and was later overcome with remorse. It is also where Kanekuaʻana, a great moʻo wahine, female water lizard, provided abundant seafood for the residents of ʻEwa until bad decisions by the chiefs caused her to take away all the pipi, ʻōpae, nehu, pāpaʻi, and iʻa.

Our students were all poor and working class youth of Filipino, Samoan, Tongan, Chinese, Vietnamese, Micronesian, and Native Hawaiian ancestry. Their ethnic origins tell their own history of war and imperialism in the Pacific. We asked them to consider whose stories were being told, whose were excluded, and who was the intended audience.

We asked them to consider whose stories were being told, whose were excluded, and who was the intended audience.

A large floor map of the Pacific at the entrance to the museum provided a great teaching aide for illustrating the competing imperialisms in the Pacific that led to World War II. As students played the role of different colonized nations, we described the simultaneous expansion of Japan as an Asian empire and the rise of the United States via its westward expansion across the Pacific. I couldn’t help but reflect on how much President Barack Obama’s recent foreign policy “pivot” to the Pacific in order to contain the rise of China echoed these earlier developments.

Inside the “World War II Valor in the Pacific” museum, we explored the roots of World War II, the differing U.S. and Japanese perceptions of the U.S. military build-up in Hawai‘i, and the seeds of World War II in the devastation caused by World War I and the Great Depression. We discussed the impacts of martial law and racial discrimination against persons of Japanese ancestry during the war.

The section on the Japanese internment took on a new sense of urgency in light of the recent U.S. Senate vote authorizing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens accused of supporting terrorism without due process. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) arguing against inclusion of this clause in the Defense Authorization Act said:

“We as a Congress are being asked, for the first time certainly since I have been in this body, to affirmatively authorize that an American citizen can be picked up and held indefinitely without being charged or tried. That is a very big deal, because in 1971 we passed a law that said you cannot do this. This was after the internment of Japanese-American citizens in World War II. […] What we are talking about here is the right of our government, as specifically authorized in a law by Congress, to say that a citizen of the United States can be arrested and essentially held without trial forever.”

But the measure passed 55 to 45. One of the tragic ironies is that among the senators voting to keep the indefinite detention clause in the bill was Sen. Daniel Inouye (D—HI) whose own people were unjustly interned in concentration camps during World War II.

After taking in the effects of institutionalized discrimination, we continued on through the museum. To its credit, the National Parks Service included information about Ke Awalau o Pu‘uloa as an important resource and cultural treasure for Kanaka Maoli. However, the “Hawaiian Story” was relegated to set of displays outside the exhibit proper. In this marginal space where Kanaka Maoli and locals are allowed to tell our history, most visitors rest their feet with their backs to the displays. Once I saw a person sleeping in front of a plaque that contained the sole reference to Hawai‘i’s contested sovereignty: “The Kingdom of Hawai‘i was overthrown in 1893.”

The first thing that jumps out from this line is the passive third-person voice, as if the overthrow of a sovereign country just happened by an act of God, when in fact, it was an “act of war” by U.S. troops that enabled a small gang of Haole businessmen to overthrow the Queen. Still, according to a National Park Service official, this watered down reference to the overthrow was one of the most controversial lines in the exhibit.

In their book Oh, Say, Can You See? The Semiotics of the Military in Hawai‘i, Kathy Ferguson and Phyillis Turnbull describe the hegemonic discourse that obscures alternative narratives:

“The long and troubled history of conquest is muted by official accounts that fold Hawai‘i neatly into the national destiny of the United States. Similarly, the relationships to places and peoples cultivated by Hawai‘i’s indigenous people and immigrant populations are displaced as serious ways of living and recalibrated as quaint forms of local color.”

Another controversial shred of history that made it into the exhibit was a small reference to America’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Entitled “Road to Peace,” the small photograph depicted a devastated Hiroshima with its iconic dome. But where were the people? In contrast to the graphic depiction of U.S. casualties in the Pearl Harbor attack, the museum avoided showing the vast human suffering caused by the atomic bombing of Japan. One explanation can be found in the classic study Hiroshima in America: Fifty Years of Denial, by Robert Jay Lifton and Greg Mitchell. They argue that U.S. citizens suffer from a collective psychic numbing about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: “It has never been easy to reconcile dropping the bomb with a sense of ourselves as a decent people.”

It seems that the U.S. public has also developed a collective psychic numbing about slavery, genocide, and imperialism.

It seems that the U.S. public has also developed a collective psychic numbing about slavery, genocide, and imperialism, which brings us back to the role of “Pearl Harbor” as war memorial and national myth. It is as if the Pearl Harbor attack induced a collective post-traumatic stress that haunts the national psyche, a recurring nightmare within which our imaginations have become trapped. And since the United States is now the preeminent superpower, the entire world is held hostage to its nightmares.

As national myth, “Pearl Harbor” reproduces the notion of America’s innocence, goodness, and redemption through militarism and war. It absolves the sins of war while mobilizing endless preparations for war, a constant state of military readiness that has mutated into a war machine of vast, unfathomable proportions. More than 1,000 foreign U.S. military bases garrison the planet. “Pre-emptive war,” military operations other than war, proxy wars, and decapitation strikes by drones have become the norm. As German theologian Dorothee Soelle reminds us, the delusional pursuit of absolute security, shuttering the window of vulnerability, means closing off all air and light and undergoing a kind of spiritual death.

Every time we are scolded to “Remember Pearl Harbor,” the dead are roused from their resting places to man battle stations for imagined future enemies. Haven’t they sacrificed enough? What if we let the dead rest in peace? What if the greatest honor we could afford them was a commitment to peace and not endless war? How would Pearl Harbor be different if it was a peace memorial instead of a war memorial?

After viewing the exhibit, we decided to debrief and reflect on what we saw and experienced. Large tents and white chairs were set up in neat rows for the upcoming commemoration.  Seeing visitors sitting under the shade of the tents, we decided to join them. After all, the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack is a time of public remembrance and reflection, with amenities and labor paid for by the public.

But before we all could sit down, a sailor in blue camouflage told us we were not allowed to sit on the chairs that they had just spent hours setting up. A teacher reassured him that we would just meet for a few minutes and leave the area as orderly as we found it, but he insisted that we could not sit there. So we all stood up and huddled in the shade.

But the other visitors, who appeared to be Haole and Asian tourists, were allowed to remain seated. I walked up to the two sailors and informed them that there were other people sitting on their chairs and suggested that they also inform those visitors about the “no-sitting” rule.

The sailors became aggressive. One sailor leaned forward to my face, his lips curling into a snarl and his voice raised to intimidate. “Who are you?! What’s your name?!” he fired off. “Who are you with?! What are you doing here?! Why are you telling us how to do our job?!”

He didn’t want my answers. His words were like warning shots from a gun intended to make me seek cover.

I asked why they made us stand while they let the other people sit and argued that they were sending a very bad message to the youth. Unable to explain the inconsistency of their rule, he finally said that they would talk to the other visitors when they “get around to it.” As I walked away, he grunted “Fucking bitch!”

The youth, who had overheard the exchange and witnessed the pent up violence of the sailor’s voice and body language, were abuzz. I told them to pay attention to how we were treated, to who was allowed to sit and who wasn’t. I asked them to reflect on why we were treated this way. Several students blurted out “It’s racism, mister!” “They only care about tourists!”

Sadly, the two sailors were also persons of color. From their looks and name patches, it appeared that they were of Asian and Latino ancestry. I imagine that as low-ranking military personnel, they get yelled at and humiliated all the time. This particular assignment—setting up white chairs and tents for VIP guests, chairs that they will never sit on—must have felt demeaning. So, when a group of youth who look like them came along and casually crossed the class and race line, it surely pushed some buttons.

I have noticed that when colonized people serve in the colonizers’ armies, they often adopt hyper-aggressive attitudes to overcompensate for feelings of humiliation and self-loathing. When troops are conditioned to win respect and authority by demeaning or dominating others, it can spill over into other human interactions. We see evidence of this in the high rates of domestic violence and sexual assault of women in the military. It also helps to explain why it was so natural for the sailor call me an epithet so degrading to women. In other times and other circumstances, he might have called me a “Jap,” “Gook,” “Haji,” “Nigger,” or “Fag.” Those names serve the same function, to dehumanize and put us in our place.

I should thank the two sailors for making an indelible impression about the oppressive nature of military power in Hawaiʻi and the racist and colonial order the military helps to maintain here. I wonder how our students will respond when they are approached by military recruiters in the future (and most of them will be approached by recruiters). Their demographics place them in a high risk category for being recruited into the military.

Recruiters have swarmed schools with large immigrant and low income populations, luring students with incentives and promises of citizenship, education, and career opportunities. A study by the Heritage Foundation of U.S. enlistment rates reported that as of 2005, “Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander” were the most overrepresented group, with a ratio of 7.49, or an overrepresentation of 649 percent.

How would Pearl Harbor be different if it was a peace memorial instead of a war memorial?

After our inhospitable treatment at the Pearl Harbor memorial, we left for our final stop, the Hanakehau Learning Farm in Waiawa. Just off the main highway, down a few back roads and a dirt trail, the concrete freeway and urban sprawl gave way to a humid, green oasis near the shores of Ke Awalau o Pu‘uloa. As we drove up, a Hawaiian flag flew over the entrance and clear water flowed from springs. The ‘āina lives! But scattered piles of construction debris and weed-choked wetlands told of the arduous work to “restore `āina in an area heavily impacted by a long history of military misuse, illegal dumping, and pollution.”

Andre Perez greeted us and explained their mission “to reclaim and to restore Hawaiian lands and provide the means and resources for Hawaiians to engage in traditional practices by creating Hawaiian cultural space.”  Flipping on its head the popular saying “Keep Hawaiian lands in Hawaiian hands,” he explained that it was more important to “Keep Hawaiian hands in Hawaiian lands.” Until Kanaka Maoli practice caring for the ʻāina, they would not have their sovereignty.

The class took a short walk to survey the area and witness the transformation of the environment. What was once clean and productive wetland and ecoestuary system had become a place of social decay and ecological ruin.  Sugar growers had built a railroad on an artificial berm that cut off the flow of fresh water to the lochs.  Former fishponds were imprisoned by a military fence with signs warning of toxic contamination in the fish and shellfish. This is one of more than 740 military contamination sites identified by the Navy within the Pearl Harbor complex, a giant Superfund site. Now drug addicts and outlaws seek out the secluded brush near Ke Awalau o Puʻuloa to make deals, get high, or strip stolen cars.

Against this backdrop, Hanakehau farm stands out like a kīpuka, an oasis of hope amid the ruins of colonization. The farm represents the resilience of the ‘āina and Hawaiian culture, new growth on devastated lava flow, to transform Pearl Harbor, a place of tragedy and war back into Ke Awalau o Puʻuloa, a source of life and peace.

Andre shared an ʻōlelo noʻeau with the students: “He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauā ke kanaka.” The land is chief, and humans are the servants or stewards. This metaphor shows that land is held in high honor and calls on people to take care of the land.

After we returned to the school, the students were given the assignment to create short skits about what they learned during the field trip. Three of the five groups created satirical skits about the absurd “chair incident.” Another group utilized the metaphor of “He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauā ke kanaka.” As educators trying to instill critical thinking skills, we couldn’t have asked for a better curriculum.

Our class excursion made me remember another frequently cited quote about the importance of history.  The philosopher George Santayana wrote in The Life of Reason: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This quote has been used frequently to justify constant vigilance and overwhelming military superiority as the prime lessons of World War II. However, as the United States “pivots” its foreign policy to contain a rising China, it seems to be following the catastrophic course of past empires. Perhaps our memories don’t go back far enough to a past when people had peace and security without empire.

Instead of walking away from the past, we might be better off turning to face history, where our past may hold answers to our future.

Umi Perkins also wrote an excellent article in the Hawaii Independent reflecting on the Pearl Harbor commemoration “Pearl Harbor wasn’t always a place of war”.

Pentagon Takes Aim at Asia-Pacific, and deploys mercenary social scientists

Recently, versions of the same op ed piece appeared in both Guam and Hawai’i newspapers by James A. Kent and and Eric Casino.  Kent describes himself as “an analyst of geographic-focused social and economic development in Pacific Rim countries; he is president of the JKA Group (www.jkagroup.com).”  Eric Casino is “a social anthropologist and freelance consultant on international business and development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.”

The authors argue that Guam and Hawai’i should capitalize on the U.S. militarization of the Pacific and remake our island societies into “convergence zones” to counter China’s growing power and influence in the region.   They write:

Because of their critically important geographic positions at the heart of the Pacific, Hawaii and Guam are historically poised to become beneficial centers to the nations of the Western Pacific, the way Singapore serves countries around the South China Sea. In the 19th century, Hawaii was the “gas and go” center for whalers. In the 20th century it was the mobilization center for the war in the Pacific.

The writers even invoke the uprisings in the Arab world to encourage Guam and Hawai’i citizens to step up and take the reins of history:

Citizen action has shown itself as a critical component in the amazing political transformation sweeping the Middle East. It is time to change the old world of dominance and control by the few — to the participation and freedom for the many. The people of Hawaii and Guam will need to navigate these historic shifts with bold and creative rethinking.

“Change the old world dominance and control by the few – to the participation and freedom for the many”?   You would think that they were preaching revolution.  But its quite the opposite.   In the Guam version of the article, they attempt to repackage the subjugation of the peoples of Guam and Hawai’i as liberation, part of the neoliberal agenda of the upcoming APEC summit:

The opportunity to capitalize on these trends is aligned with the choice of Hawaii as the host of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November.

Furthermore they encourage the people of Guam and Hawai’i to partake in and feed off of the militarization of our island nations while denigrating grassroots resistance:

The planned move of a part of the Marine Corps base must take place in a manner that builds Guam into a full social and economic participant in the power realignments and not just a military outpost for repositioning of American forces. Citizen unrest in Guam would sap U.S. energy to remain strategic and undermine its forward defense security.

So, while they exhort the people of Hawai’i and Guam “to navigate these historic shifts with bold and creative rethinking,” in the end, they are just selling the same old imperial and neoliberal arrangements imposed by foreign powers that the people of Hawai’i and Guam have had to contend with for centuries.

So what is the point of the op ed?  It makes more sense when you understand the history and context of the authors.  Both Kent and Casino are part of James Kent Associates, a consulting firm that has worked extensively with the Bureau of Land Management to manage the community concerns regarding development of natural resources in a number of western states.  In 1997, the Marine Corps hired JKA Group to help counter resistance from the Wai’anae community to proposed amphibious assault training at Makua Beach, or as they put it to help “sustain its training options at Makua Beach in a cooperative manner with the community, and to be sure that community impacts and environmental justice issues were adequately addressed. JKA engaged in informal community contact and description by entering the routines of the local communities.”

They were essentially ‘hired gun’ social scientists helping the military manipulate the community through anthropological techniques:

Prior to JKA’s involvement, the NEPA process was being “captured” by organized militants from the urban zones of Hawaii. The strategy of the militants was to disrupt NEPA by advocating for the importance of Makua as a sacred beach. As community workers identified elders in the local communities, the elders did not support the notion of a sacred beach-“What, you think we didn’t walk on our beaches?” They pointed to specific sites on the beach that were culturally important and could not be disturbed by any civilian or military activity. As this level of detail was injected into the EA process, the militants were less able to dominate the process and to bring forward their ideological agenda. They had to be more responsible or lose standing in the informal community because the latter understood: “how the training activity, through enhancements to the culture, can directly benefit community members. Therefore, the training becomes a mutual benefit, with the community networks standing between the military and the activists.”

So community members active in the Native Hawaiian, environmental and peace movements are “organized militants from urban zones of Hawaii”?   The military uses similar language to describe the resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan.   In a way, their methods anticipated the use of anthropologists in the battlefield in the “Human Terrain System” program.

What they don’t report on their website is that they failed to win over the community. Opposition to the Marine amphibious exercises was so strong that PACOM hosted an unprecedented meeting between Wai’anae community leaders on the one hand and CINCPAC, the Governor, and other public officials on the other.  As preparations were made for nonviolent civil resistance, CINCPAC canceled the exercise in Makua and moved the amphibious landing to Waimanalo, where the community also protested.

It seems as though JKA Group has been contracted by the Marines once again to help manage the community resistance to the military invasion planned for Guam and Hawai’i.  So the people of Hawai’i and Guam will have to resist this assault “with bold and creative rethinking.”  One such initiative is the Moana Nui conference planned to coincide with APEC in Hawai’i in which the peoples of the Asia Pacific region can chart our own course for development, environmental protection, peace and security in a ways that “change the old world dominance and control by the few – to the participation and freedom for the many.”

On the topic of the militarization of the Asia-Pacific region, I recently spoke with Korean solidarity and human rights activist Hyun Lee and community organizer Irene Tung on their radio program Asia Pacific Forum on WBAI in New York City.


Pentagon Takes Aim at Asia-Pacific

Last month, the Pentagon unveiled the first revision of the National Military Strategy since 2004, declaring, “the Nation’s strategic priorities and interests will increasingly emanate from the Asia-Pacific region.” Join APF as we discuss the implications of the new document.


  • KYLE KAJIHIRO is Director of DMZ Hawaii and Program Director of the American Friends Service Committee in Hawaii.

Hawai'i Island Appeal for Solidarity

Activists from Hawai’i island issued an appeal for solidarity in the face of a massive military expansion planned for Pohakuloa.   Please send solidarity statements to ja@interpac.net. Mahalo!


For Public Release concerning U.S. military training at Pohakuloa
See list of individual signers below

Further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622.  Email ja@interpac.net http://www.malu-aina.org

Appeal for Solidarity!

We (the undersigned) appeal to all Hawaii peace, justice, environment, and independence activists, to the general public, and to local and state government officials.  We ask that you stand in solidarity with us on Moku O Keawe in resistance to major U.S. military expansion at the 133,000-acre Pohakuloa Training Area, and now even helicopter assault training for Afghanistan on our sacred mountains –Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.

We congratulate the Malama Makua community organization for its victory in stopping all military live fire in Makua Valley on Oahu.  But Makua is still held hostage by the military and used to train for ongoing U.S. wars of aggression.

We are opposed to pushing U.S. desecration and contamination from one site to another.  We want an end to U.S. occupation in Hawaii and the restoration of the Hawaii nation.  We want the U.S. to stop bombing Hawaii and clean up its opala.  We want to put an end to U.S. desecration and contamination of all sacred cultural sites.  We do not want the U.S. training anywhere to do to others what the U.S. has already done to Hawaii: overthrow and occupy its government and nation, desecrate its sacred sites, and contaminate its air, land, water, people, plants, and animals with military toxins.

Restore the Hawaii Nation!

End U.S. Terrorism!
Military Clean-Up NOT Build Up!
Stop all the Wars!  End all Occupations!

Isaac Harp, Kelii “Skippy” Ioane, Hanalei Fergerstrom,
Kihei Soli Niheu, Ali`i Sir Kaliko Kanaele, Calvin Kaleiwahea,
Lloyd Buell, Danny Li, Stephen Paulmier, Ronald Fujiyoshi,
Moanikeala Akaka, Tomas Belsky,
Samuel Kaleleiki, Jim Albertini

Testifiers oppose Pohakuloa training plans

Source: http://www.bigislandweekly.com/articles/2011/01/19/read/news/news01.txt

Residents to Army: NO

Testifiers oppose Pohakuloa training plans
By Alan D. Mcnarie
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 8:21 AM HST

An army has to train if it wants to avoid unnecessary casualties. And American troops stationed in Hawai’i face a narrowing set of options for training. Kaho’olawe has been returned, much the worse for wear, to the native Hawaiians. And last week, the Army bowed to public pressure and announced that it would no longer pursue live-fire training in O’ahu’s Makua Valley.

That leaves Hawai’i Island’s 133,000-acre Pohakuloa Training Area to absorb much of the burden. Last year, the Army announced that it would shift its artillery heavy weapons practice from Makua to Pohakuloa. And last week, island residents got a glimpse of some of the specifics of that plan, as the Army held two “scoping sessions” for its “Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement” on the Army’s proposal to modernize PTA’s aged buildings and firing range. But at the two sessions, it appeared that the Army had no more support for training here than it did at Makua Valley.

Compared to some of its recent projects, such as the purchase of several thousand acres of range land for a Stryker vehicle maneuver area, the plans covered by the Programmatic EIS are relatively modest. All of the improvements would fall “within the current footprint. We’re not buying land to expand,” army spokesperson Mike Egami told BIW.

“The cantonment area and the ranges are so old that they’re not up to modern Army standards. The ranges are really fundamental; we have them (troops) training on these Korea-World War II types of facilities,” Egami said.

Plans include a new “shoot house” — an indoor firing range with walls that bullets can’t penetrate — an Infantry Battle Complex for training company-sized groups of foot soldiers, and a Military Operations Urban Terrain (MOUT) site where soldiers can practice dismounted urban warfare, all to be built within the confines of the current firing range.

At this stage, there still appear to be major holes in the Army’s assessment of the new facilities’ impact. Egami couldn’t say, for instance, how much the use of the new facilities would increase the amount of ammunition fired at the base, and when, where and how the unexploded ordnance would be cleaned up. He did tell BIW that all the ammunition used at the new facilities would be from small arms.

At the Tuesday Hilo scoping session, not a single resident spoke in favor of the Army’s plans. The Army got a similar verbal shellacking the next night in Waimea. Most of those who spoke wanted Pohakuloa closed down, not expanded. Several residents suggested that the Army should spend its money on rehabilitating the physical and mental casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, instead of on expanding training facilities.

“I can say that I’m a part of a military family, like it or not,” said veteran Hawaiian activist Moanikeala Akaka, after reciting a long list of relatives who’d served in the military or worked on military bases. “But I can say there are some of us who are sick and tired of the military expansion on the island.”

Relatively few of the speakers, in fact, actually addressed the specifics of the Army proposals contained in the PEIS, though one speaker did suggest that new training sites be moved to a different part of the impact area to get them further away from areas of native vegetation. Several residents wanted to talk about still another army training proposal that was not contained within the PEIS: The Army wants to use existing DLNR helicopter landing sites on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea to hold high altitude training for the choppers of its 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, which is due to employ to Afghanistan in late spring of this year. The High Altitude Mountainous Environment Terrain Training (HAMET) is being handled in a separate Environmental Assessment; EAs do not require public hearings, though residents can give written input. A Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was published last month, and the Army is now accepting public comment on it. The draft is available at larger public libraries and online (Search Army + Hawaii + HAMET).

The Army has, in fact, been using those landing sites for years, and not without incident. According to the Draft Finding of No Significant Impact, a helicopter involved in a HAMET exercise in 2003 missed its landing zone and accidentally landed in the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve. In 2006, another HAMET “incident” occurred when “an aircraft hovered too low over critical habitat.” The “critical habitat” mentioned is home to the palila, an endangered Hawaiian bird found only in the Big Island’s upper-altitude mamane forests, some of which have already been lost to the realignment of the Saddle Road.

Other threatened or endangered species may also be affected by the flights: the ‘io (Hawaiian Hawk); the ope’ape’a (Hawaiian hoary bat); and the nene. One of the helicopter landing sites on Mauna Loa, in fact, lies right on the edge of the Kipuka Ainahou Nene Sanctuary, though a map included in the Draft FONSI shows the border of the actual nene range well to the east of the sanctuary border. The Army plans to mitigate by flying at least 2000 feet over possible habitats, and the FONSI claims that the endangered species are “unlikely to be present at the elevation of any of the LZs [landing zones].”

Paul Neves of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I called the HAMET EA “completely inadequate.” He noted, for instance, that it had “no analysis of people using traditional trails near the landing zones,” and didn’t mention the usage of Mauna Loa Observatory Road by observatory workers, hunters and hikers, even though the military wanted to use landing zones on both sides of that road.

“The helicopters have been landing for seven years now with almost zero public oversight…,” testified the Sierra Club’s Cory Harden. “Helicopters may fly up to 18 hours a day during training, day and night, to within 2,000 vertical feet of the summit. The EA says noise and visual impacts on cultural practices and recreation will not be significant. That’s like saying impacts would not be significant from helicopters at Machu Pichu…. The EA has a cultural overview without one word about the illegal takeover of Hawai’i. That’s like writing a cultural overview of the United States and leaving out the Civil War.”

Harden also brought up another controversy: the furor over depleted uranium ordnance at Pohakuloa and the army’s refusal, so far, to completely remove it, or even to hunt very hard for it. She cited instance after instance of the army documents and spokespeople claiming it was too dangerous to look for DU in Pohakuloa’s impact zone. Yet all of the new battle areas, she noted, were “either in or directly adjacent to the existing impact areas of PTA.”

“Why is it too dangerous to enter the impact area to hunt for DU, but safe to go in and build more military facilities?” she asked.

Egami told BIW that the new live fire training facilities were not in the impact area, but adjacent to it. But one of the displays the army had put up at the scoping session said that the Infantry Platoon Battle Area would be “located at one of three (3) potential locations within the existing impact area”; an adjacent map showed not only the Infantry Platoon Battle area, but the shoot house and MOUT facility all within the impact zone. Army munitions expert Vic Garo explained that there were actually two zones of risk within the impact area. Within the impact area was the Improved Munitions Area, which held unexploded heavy ordnance including Vietnam-era bomblets. The outer zone, where the new facilities would be located, may contain mostly unexploded small arms munitions.

“We had to send our explosive ordnance disposal people in to clear that area [where the new facilities would be]” he said; cultural and natural survey teams could enter the outer zone if accompanied by explosives ordnance demolition teams.

“When projects come up, we go within the impact zone,” confirmed PTA archeologist Julie Toombs. “I keep telling people we haven’t blown any archeologists up yet.”

Toombs said that there had, indeed, been archeological sites found within the Impact Area: “There are platforms, lava tube systems, excavated pits….” Toombs said no one knew for certain what the pits were for, but they may have been carved into the lava to attract nesting sea birds: “Nineteenth Century accounts speak of huge flocks of sea birds in that area.”

Many native Hawaiians, from veteran activists such as Neves to several students who testified in Hawaiian, saw the Army’s plans as a strengthening of an illegal military occupation.

“Pretty soon the Big Island will no longer be the Big Island, because it will be called the United States Military,” predicted Neves.

Others dwelt on the sacredness of the mountain.

“I don’t know how many of you have seen Avatar, but Mauna Kea is like our home tree,” said another. “Your training of our youth is appreciated, but not here on Mauna Kea, not at Pohakuloa.”

In Search of Real Security

Earlier this month, I was honored to  be invited to Kaua’i by Kaua’i Alliance for Peace and Social Justice to participate in a forum on ‘real security’.  The forum was important because it was one of the first public discussions that questioned the premise of the ‘security’ discourse of the government and reframed the question from the point of view of communities.    Jon Letman wrote a two-part article on the forum for the Hawaii Independent. He writes:

Ours is a nation obsessed with security. Two months after the bitter sting of the 9/11 attacks, the federal government formed the Transportation Security Administration and, one year later, the Department of Homeland Security. In the decade that has followed we have been pounded with talk of security in every aspect of our lives: from computer security and private home security to food and energy security, national security, nuclear security, and global security.

Yet as we approach our ninth year of war and occupation in Afghanistan and our eighth in Iraq, Americans have seen security at home eroded by financial collapse, a neglected infrastructure, a hemorrhaging job market, anemic social services and public health care crisis, volatile energy and food markets, and the complex realities of climate change.

In the face of home foreclosures, bankruptcy, and unemployment with many Americans’ income flat or falling and funding for basic civil institutions like public schools, libraries, and parks in decline, the question screams: “What is real security?”


On Maui: Hiroshima Commemoration




Remembering Hiroshima As An Act of Liberation

The militarization of Hawaii and its effect on our economy and collective psyche is often overlooked. Activist Kyle Kajihiro wants to change that

July 29, 2010 | 09:33 AM
Outpost of Empire
The militarization of Hawaii and its effect on our economy and collective psyche is often overlooked. Activist Kyle Kajihiro wants to change that

On Friday, August 6, beginning at 6pm, Maui Peace Action will hold a Hiroshima Remembrance Day at UH Maui College, commemorating the 65-year anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on the Japanese city. The keynote speaker will be Kyle Kajihiro, director of the anti-war American Friends Service Committee Hawaii.

Ahead of his Maui appearance, we asked Kyle to discuss the legacy of Hiroshima, the militarization of Hawaii and the current state of war and peace.


The title of your talk is “Remembering Hiroshima As An Act of Liberation.” Explain what you mean by that.

The world has been held hostage by nuclear terror since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As the country with the largest nuclear arsenal, the U.S. has used nuclear weapons as the ultimate “big stick” to intimidate, threaten and coerce other countries to do its bidding. In this way, the U.S. uses nuclear weapons the same way that a robber uses a loaded gun to get people to do something. Whether or not the gun is fired, it is still a form of assault.

Today, more than ever, the danger of nuclear weapons hangs over humanity. The nuclear survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been an important voice for peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. Yet commemorations of these horrific events can become too safe if they don’t address the urgent issues of our time. Remembering Hiroshima must be an act of liberation from nuclear terror and passivity; it should reignite our commitment to the political and moral project of nuclear disarmament and demilitarization.


Do you think we’ll see another nuclear weapon used in our lifetime?

I think nuclear weapons have been used many times to terrorize countries without necessarily launching and exploding them. But I am optimistic that the tide of world opinion is against nuclear weapons and will prevent their active use in our lifetime.


For those who don’t know, explain, in broad terms, how Hawaii came to be such an important place, militarily, for the United States.

The U.S. invaded and occupied the independent Kingdom of Hawai’i primarily to establish a forward military base in the Pacific as a stepping stone to Asia. From the point of view of American imperialists, once the genocide of American Indians and the taking of their land was completed, the next logical step was to take Hawaii, then the Philippines, Guam and other Pacific nations and extend “manifest destiny” to Asia. The U.S. military still uses Hawaii and its other Pacific island colonies as outposts of empire.


What would you say is the most common misconception about—or unknown aspect of—the military presence in Hawaii?

I think most people don’t realize the social, environmental or cultural costs and impacts of the enormous military presence in Hawaii. The impact of the military on land is huge. The military controls nearly a quarter of the island of Oahu, most of it crown and government lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom that were wrongfully taken. On these lands are more than 800 documented and reported contamination sites that include depleted uranium, chemical weapons, lead, mercury, PCB, solvents and unexploded ordnance.


As with tourism, when people question the wisdom or necessity of the state’s military bases, proponents cite the economy: where would we be without those military dollars? How do you respond to this?

The military economy is so enormous that it has distorted our development in Hawaii in ways that I would argue have been detrimental to the long-term health of our economy. In many ways, the military-tourism economy is like a fast food diet. You can get plenty of calories from a fast food meal, but if that was the only food you ate, it would eventually make you obese and sick. Fast food diets are also addictive because of the sugar “high” that gives a temporary sense of wellbeing.

The overreliance on tourism and militarism as the only two pillars of the economy have resulted in destructive patterns of overdevelopment, the atrophy of other productive capabilities such as agriculture or clean energy production and the failure to invest in sectors such as education and environmental restoration that are necessary for a sustainable future. There is also the hidden environmental, social and cultural costs of militarism. In a military economy some people get paid, often very well, while others pay the price of lost land, culture and health.


What’s your take on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Obama Administration’s strategies and policies thus far?

Despite all the hype about change, the Obama Administration has pretty much followed the failed policies of the Bush Administration. The cost of the wars have just exceeded $1 trillion. The recent Wikileaks disclosures are revealing the disastrous human cost of Obama’s policies.

Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism


Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism

Full text

Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism
Prepared for the 2010 U.S. Social Forum People’s Movement Assembly

WHEREAS, Pentagon spending has doubled to over $700 billion in the past eight years, and the U.S. Empire maintains over 700 military bases around the globe to wage perpetual war in its unending pursuit of profits and power;

WHEREAS, in the process, the U.S. military kills innocent civilians and destroys infrastructure, undermines democracy and human rights, threatens the sovereignty of nations, displaces farmers and indigenous people from their land, and wreaks environmental devastation;

WHEREAS, the U.S. government uses the so-called War on Terror as justification for the militarization of the U.S. border, the wholesale targeting of Muslim and Arab communities, the expansion of police departments, the prison industrial complex, and other institutions and policies aimed at silencing all those seen as threats to capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and heterosexism;

WHEREAS, U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have stolen more than $1 trillion away from vital needed services, such as universal healthcare, affordable housing, and living wage jobs in communities victimized by the economic crisis – especially people of color, who bear the brunt of these crises due to structural racism, and immigrants, who become scapegoats in times of economic recession;

WHEREAS, the Pentagon continues to invest billions of our tax dollars and human resources each year into developing new and more advanced weapons systems that have no civilian or military justification, while the average living standard in the United States has long been on the decline, and unemployment has steadily been on the rise;

WHEREAS, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops for war, and dropping tons of munitions on urban centers and rural communities not only destroy lives, but pushes the planet closer to ecological destruction by consuming a massive amount of fossil fuels, destroying critical ecosystems, and creating resource scarcity;

WHEREAS, we believe all people should have the right to self-determination and peaceful existence; that collective security comes from mutual respect, not by hoarding of the world’s resources by a few; and we must move beyond empire and militarized methods of control; and

WHEREAS, people in the United States have a stake in challenging the power of war-making institutions and converting the vast resources now wasted on war-making into productive capacity for raising the quality of life for all; and we see our futures intertwined with the futures of the people of the Global South, and believe that we have a responsibility to hold this government accountable; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned organizations, united in our opposition to imperialist war and militarism, commit to building a movement for a truly just and lasting peace; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are struggling under the weight of U.S. militarism and imperialism for peace, justice and self-determination in other countries; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we demand an immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and call on the U.S. government to provide reparations to address the humanitarian crises in these countries, as well as repair the physical damage caused by its invasion and occupation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we reject any planned attack on Iran, and call on the U.S. government to stop funding Israel’s occupation and colonization of the Palestinian people; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we call on the U.S. government to respect the self-determination of people in Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East, and demand a total abolition of all foreign military bases and other infrastructure for wars of aggression, including military interventions, operations, trainings, exercises, and laboratories dedicated to weapons construction; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we call on the U.S. government to put the vast resources now wasted on war-making toward meeting urgent civilian needs, including the funding of jobs in housing, health care, education, clean energy and infrastructure repairs, and preventing the layoff of state and local public workers; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we declare October 2010 a month of people’s resistance against empire, and be it further
RESOLVED, that on October 2, we will take to the streets of Washington, DC to call for moving the money from wars, weapons and war planning to jobs, homes and education; and be it further
RESOLVED, that on October 3-7, we will mark the anniversary of the launching of the Afghanistan war with decentralized international days of action for an immediate ceasefire, negotiations and total withdrawal of all US and NATO troops.

CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
Causa Justa: Just Cause
Communities for a Better Environment
Direct Action for Rights and Equality
Desis Rising Up & Moving
DMZ Hawaii/Aloha Aina
Grassroots Global Justice – Beyond Empire
Grassroots International
Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance
Labor Community Strategy Center
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Malu ‘Aina
National Priorities Project
Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
Ohana Koa / Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific
Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago
Peace Action
People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)
Veterans for Peace Chapter 27
Veterans for Peace Chapter 47 (Southwestern Pennsylvania)
West Coast Famoksaiyan
Women for Genuine Security

Hawaii rally protesting Israeli commando raid


Hawaii rally protesting Israeli commando raid

Reported by: Marisa Yamane

Email: myamane@khon2.com

Last Update: 6/01 10:13 pm

A Honolulu woman was among seven hundred activists taken into Israeli custody after soldiers raided a flotilla carrying relief supplies to Gaza.

The deadly raid also sparked protests across the US today, including here in Hawaii.

Hawaii residents outraged by the deadly Israeli commando raid staged a protest outside of the federal building in Downtown Honolulu Tuesday afternoon.

Sunday, Israeli soldiers stormed a Turkish ship that was leading a six-ship flotilla bringing 10,000 tons of supplies and aid to Gaza.

The Israeli Government said its soldiers boarded the ship to make sure there were no weapons being smuggled in for the terror group Hamas, and that its soldiers opened fire only after they came under assault.

At least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed.

Hundreds of other activists were taken into Israeli detention, including Honolulu resident Ann Wright.

“I’m glad she’s alive it looked like she was walking and not suffering severe injury she was obviously defiant because her hand was up and she was doing the peace sign. I’m also concerned because she has physical problems in her legs,” said friend Carolyn Hadfield.

Wright is a retired US Army Colonel, and a former State Department official who publicly resigned in protest of the US invasion of Iraq.

This is video of Wright in 2007, protesting the Iraqi War, in front of the White House.

“We are the people that are saying stop this war and stop it now,” said Wright in 2007.

More recently, Wright turned her efforts towards Gaza.

“She said the main reason she became involved in this particular issue because it was so clear the US taxpayers were funding a genocidal regime in Gaza and those were her words,” said Hadfield.

Hadfield helped organize this protest Tuesday afternoon — to not only get the message out, but also in honor of her friend.

“I’m very proud of her. I’m proud of her courage,” said Hadfield.

The Israeli Government said tonight it’ll deport almost all of the activists within the next two days, but will still detain about fifty of them for their investigation.

Honolulu woman detained in Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla


Honolulu woman detained in Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla

By Star-Bulletin Staff

POSTED: 01:32 p.m. HST, Jun 01, 2010

Honolulu peace activist Ann Wright was one of about 700 people taken into custody by Israeli defense forces after a raid on a flotilla of boats carrying aid to Gaza that left nine people dead, friends of Wright’s confirmed.

Kyle Kajihiro of the American Friends Service Committee, and Arnie Kotler, publisher of a book on Gaza by Wright, said they recognized her in a video of the detainees being led into detention in Ashdod. The video was posted on YouTube and several Israeli newspaper sites.

News reports said all detainees would be deported immediately, reversing an earlier plan to hold about 20 of them on criminal charges.

Joanne Moore, a spokeswoman for the State Department, said it had no information yet about specific Americans who may have been detained.

The raids have met widespread condemnation from the international community.

Wright’s plans to join the flotilla were well-known. She has been active in Gaza issues over the past two years, Kotler said.

Wright published an article Thursday on the website CommonDreams.org describing the trip. She predicted that the Israeli Navy would fire over the bows of the boats, or possibly ram and try to board them.

Israel has said its commandos fired on passengers aboard the lead vessel when confronted by knife- and club-wielding activists, a characterization denied by the activists. The flotilla was organized by a group called Free Gaza.

Local peace groups will be holding a rally outside the Federal Building on Punchbowl Street protesting the Israeli action today at 3 p.m.

Hilo peace activists threatened with arrest at Hilo Armed Forces Day events

Press release:  May 16, 2010

Peace Activists threatened with arrest at Hilo Armed Forces Day events

further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622, ja@interpac.net

“Over a dozen peace activists were threatened with arrest for offering peace leaflets and peacefully sign holding at Armed Forces Day events in Hilo on Saturday, May 15th.  The activists held signs reading “Rescue the troops from War”, “Stop the War”, “End U.S. Occupation”, etc. along Hilo’s airport road fronting the Civil Air Patrol Area of Hilo Airport from 10-11:30AM,” said Jim Albertini of Malu ‘Aina.

Albertini said  “head of Hilo airport security Steven Santiago called police and wanted the protesters arrested if they did not leave the area where they were holding signs visible to those arriving for the Armed Forces day events and flights in and out of Hilo airport.” According to Albertini, “Santiago, wearing an Army cap, also wanted peace activists arrested for offering peace leaflets to people walking from their parked cars toward the military displays.”

Albertini said “peace activists stood their ground and refused to leave the area to a more remote designated “free speech zone” citing their first amendment free speech rights.  Higher ups in both the police department and State transportation were called and eventually the protesters’ rights were recognized.”
(Copy of the peace leaflet below)

Jim Albertini
Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O.Box AB
Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
email: JA@interpac.net
Visit us on the web at: www.malu-aina.org <http://www.malu-aina.org>


Rescue the Troops from War!

It’s not just the troops that need rescuing from war.  It’s all of us — all of humanity, and the earth itself. The world is spending Trillions of dollars on wars and militarism which is contributing to our global crisis with unprecedented human and environmental needs going unmet.  The U.S. spends almost half of the world’s total military spending.  www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending <http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending>

Besides the current wars consider the following: :The ongoing global financial crisis threatens  global economic collapse;  there is a global environmental crisis that threatens the sustainability of life on the planet; an uncontrolled oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has no end in sight.  Trust in religious institutions and governments to solve problems appear at an all time low.  Amid unprecedented concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, billion dollar bonuses and bail outs, ordinary people are hurting.  Look at the number of unemployed, foreclosures, homeless, and mounting debt.  People are afraid, angry, and confused. Many don’t know where to turn.

In the face of such crises, we need a new local and global vision of justice, peace, and caring for the earth, a vision that rejects violence as a solution to problems, a vision where the means we use must be in line with the end we seek.  The choice is now between embracing non-violence or non-existence.  And a big question locally and globally is can we recognize and end our addiction to war?  Or will we remain in denial?

The U.S. is now in its 9th year of war in Afghanistan, 7th year in Iraq, and now war in Pakistan.
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America’s War On Iraq:  4,715   icasualties.org/oif/
Many troops are in their multiple year deployment.
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan $992,517,275,108 http://www.costofwar.com/
The Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq “1,366,350”
www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq/iraqdeaths.html <http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq/iraqdeaths.html>
The number of casualties in Afghanistan and Pakistan are increasing daily and there is an increasing threat of a US/Israel attack on Iran.

1.  A majority of Americans says the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs, the Washington Post reports. 56 percent of independents say it is not worth fighting, up from 47 percent in December. Among Democrats, 66 percent say it’s not worth it, including half who feel that way strongly.

2)  Shootings of Afghan civilians by American and NATO convoys and at military checkpoints have spiked sharply this year, becoming the leading cause of combined civilian deaths and injuries at the hands of Western forces, American officials say.

Cut off the war funds! Bring the Troops Home Now!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622.  Email ja@interpac.net http://www.malu-aina.org
Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (May 14, 2010 – 452nd week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office


Hilo activist Danny Li writes on Indy Media Bay Area:

At the Hilo International Airport, 14 progressive Peace activists stood proudly with their anti-Occupation signs and placards. The Airport Security initially tried to force the peaceful group onto a “Designated Protest Area” some 500 yards away from the public entry to the military event. For over half an hour, there was a tense standoff, as Airport Security head Steve Santiago threatened to arrest the protestors, who valiantly stood their ground and insisted on their First Amendment right(especially because they had brought a copy of the Application for demonstration that was previously faxed to the Airport authorities). Two of the anti-war activists also insisted on their right to pass out informational leaflets to the Public.

Finally, after a police lieutenant and an Airport superior were called in to negotiate with the Peace activists, the potentially ugly confrontation resulted with a small but important victory for the anti-war activists. They were allowed to continue their sign-holding at the entry to the military event, and they could pass out the leaflets unimpeded to the Public (subsequently, some 250+ copies of the “Rescue Troops from War” leaflets were handed out).

It was A Good Day to continue Working for Peace in Hilo, Hawai’i on May 15, 2010!

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