CUNY Disability Scholars

The CUNY disability scholars group is an informal network of CUNY faculty, students, and staff with a shared interest in disability studies. The group meets regularly during the academic year.

The purpose of the group is to connect disability scholars from every part of the university, to support a community of scholarly sharing and discourse, and to foster collaborations between disciplines, between campuses, between junior and senior scholars, and between applied and theoretical disability studies work.

The group welcomes scholars from all CUNY colleges, programs, and offices and from all disciplines. It brings together scholars with diverse interests—theorists and activists, English professors and computer scientists, anthropologists and service professionals—and it includes scholars at all career levels—from Graduate Teaching Fellows and adjunct faculty to Distinguished Full Professors. The network also includes scholars with a full range of disability studies experience, from senior faculty with many disability studies publications or academic activists involved in public policy work to those with an emerging interest in the field.

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Questions or comments? Contact jmurray(at)

Header Image: 2005, London, Trafalgar Square. Alison Lapper Pregnant by Mark Quinn, courtesy of