2014-2015 Criminal Justice Research Lecture Series – Professor Wolff

2014-2015 Criminal Justice Research Lecture Series


The Protective Impact of Immigrant Concentration

on Juvenile Recidivism:

Contextual Effects and Individual-Level Mediators

Presented by Professor Kevin Wolff, PhD


Kevin T. Wolff, Assistant Professor, earned his doctorate from the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University.  His research interests include the spatial patterning of crime, criminological theory, quantitative methods and juvenile justice.  A second major area of his current work focuses on the factors believed to have impacted crime rates during the last 30 years, both in the U.S., and cross-nationally.



The majority of existing research on immigration and crime suggests that immigrant concentration has either a null or negative impact on rates of criminal behavior.  Far less research has examined the effect of immigration on the future outcomes of youth with prior criminal history.  Youth with prior contact with the juvenile justice system represent an especially vulnerable population that could be expected to benefit most from the protective effects of immigration as identified in the literature. Furthermore, past research has not closely examined the mechanisms by which immigrant communities may exert a negative effect on future delinquency.  In the present study, we examine the effect of concentrated immigration on reoffending in a sample of previously referred youth nested within the 67 counties in the state of Florida. Additionally we examine the mechanisms by which immigrant concentration may impact juvenile recidivism, net of commonly considered individual-level characteristics.


Date: Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Time: Community Hour 1:40pm-2:40pm

Room: Conference Room (2400), North Hall Building

All are encouraged to attend. Light refreshment will be provided.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.