I plan to use this site to document portions (insights/musings) of my academic/professional journey, while also providing a glimpse into the slightly more personal. This is helpful to me in a number of ways, and perhaps it will also be so to you!

Because I believe that temperament is not unimportant in the professional world, it is my hope that the effect is somewhat humanizing, rather than imprudent (or worse—downright compromising.) While I realize that this is unusual (perhaps even pejoratively so), it’s a risk I’m nonetheless willing to take.

What this site lacks in convention, it aims to make up for with honesty (to the extent that this can be approximated through virtual means). Plus, I’m making conscious efforts to keep these spheres distinctly separate from, but easily accessible to one another. (Feedback on to what extent I’m succeeding at this endeavor is always appreciated.) Hopefully, this apologist’s justification is a sufficient explanation. The ideal best-case would be for it to also be persuasive 🙂

So, once again, in whatever capacity you’re here: thank you!