The Information Technology (IT) Committee of Graduate Council invites all members of the Graduate Center community to join us for an open meeting on May 6, 2019 from 12pm-1pm in Room C198.

We hope in this meeting to hear about technology-related needs and goals and to stage an open discussion around the place of technology at the GC.

The IT Committee is a committee of the GC’s Graduate Council with elected student and faculty members; it meets every semester and includes representation from faculty, students, staff, IT, and the library. According to the GC bylaws, its mission includes:

Information Technology Committee
1. To consider recommendations related to information technology.
2. To review the policies and practices of the Office of Information Technology.
3. To communicate these recommendations to the administrative officer responsible for information technology.
4. To recommend policies related to information technology.

Please join us to let us know how your experience of, and access to, technology at the GC might be improved. If you cannot make the meeting but wish to contribute to the discussion, please email to share your thoughts and suggestions.


Matt, on behalf of the IT Committee

IT Committee Members
Matthew Gold (Chair)
Raj Korpan
Michael Mandiberg
Elaine Montilla (ex officio)
Jessica Murray
Jeremy Randall
Polly Thistlewaite (ex officio)
Ines Vano Garcia
Elena Vesselinov
Stephen Zweibel