We are very excited to be hosting a revival of the Nature, Ecology & Society Colloquium at the Graduate Center. If you have not visited our website, please do so: www.opencuny.org/nature
The event will be held on the first floor of The Graduate Center, CUNY in the Martin E. Segal Theatre. The theater is located past the Mina Rees Library and 365 Express on the right side of the building. Please feel free to ask security in the lobby if you can’t find the room. A light breakfast will be provided in the Segal Theatre at 9:45 am. Due to the food restrictions of this theater no outside food or drinks will be allowed into the conference room. Lunch will be served on the 6th floor of the Graduate Center in room 6304.01.
Registration will be outside of the conference room, please make sure to grab a name tag and sign-in before entering the room. I’ve attached the flyer and conference program, which can also be found on our website. Any questions can be emailed to natureecologysociety@gmail.com
We are looking forward to a wonderful and educational event this Friday. See you all soon!

With Gratitude,
NES Planning Committee
(Including current EP student Sarah Kahl)!