There was a rally hosted by TransitCenter this morning in front of MTA HQ in lower Manhattan to announce the launch of their new campaign: Access Denied, Making the MTA Subway System Accessible to All New Yorkers. I created this sign a few days ago, inspired by years of conversations with disabled activists and others who have noticed that elevators are needed by plenty of other people; mothers with strollers, young children, people with temporary disabilities, people with invisible disabilities, and able-bodied people trying to roll their luggage to the airport.

Please feel free to use and distribute. You can download a high-resolution PDF from the link below, just above the CC license.

A rainbow colored graphic with the text, "Elevators Are For Everyone" showing icons of people traveling in four different elevators, represented by boxes and arrows pointed up and down. People depicted include someone with crutches, someone rolling a suitcase, a pregnant woman, a baby in a stroller, a person with a heart condition (represented by a lightning bolt inside a heart on their chest), a small girl, a woman with a small boy, a wheelchair user, a senior with a cane. and a delivery person with a dolly holding boxes.

Creative Commons License
Elevators are for everyone by Jessica Murray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at