A few things: readings, quiz…

Here is the Jane Mulvey reading, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” (1975). I’m excited to read and discuss with you all!

And here is bell hooks “The Oppositional Gaze” (1992).

We may discuss a bit more of Gill, chapter 2 before moving on to the above readings.

Your quiz to bring in Sept 21:

Please read Gill chapter 2, the section on Barthes (pages 48-49) and find an example of a contemporary “myth” (you have to read the pages to fully understand what myth refers to). You do not need to write a paper but do have a few sentences explaining how your example exemplifies Barthes’s idea. Email if you’re confused! If your example works and you explain it convincingly, then you get 5 points for the quiz. If you bring in an example but tell us nothing about it, fail to convince that is, you get 2 points. If you bring in nothing, zero points.

Ok, more to come…stay tuned!