Please join CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities and the Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center for the release of a new report:

No Access: The Need for Improved Language Assistance Services for Limited English Proficient Asian Tenants of the New York City Housing Authority

Tuesday, September 15th
CUNY Graduate Center: 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Rooms C201/202/203, Basement Level

This report documents the experiences of low-income, limited-English proficient Asian public housing residents, and the barriers they face to receiving adequate language access services from the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), including interpretation, written materials and access to repairs.  The program will include key findings and recommendations, tenant testimonials and a panel discussion with Amy Taylor (formerly Legal Services NYC, currently Make the Road NY), Ritchie Torres (District 15 Council Member, Chair – Committee on Public Housing), Nisha Agarwal (Commissioner – NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs), and Shahana Hanif (Public Housing Organizer, CAAAV).
Please mark your calendars and share widely!
Don’t forget to RSVP!
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Co-sponsored by CUNY Graduate Center Research Centers:
Women of Color Network
Space-Time Research Collective
Postcolonial Studies Group
Housing and Environments Research Group