Our next meeting will be on Thurday, December 18, 2014 from 6 – 8 p.m, CUNY Graduate Center Room 5409. We’ll be discussing two chapters about transportation and equity.We’ll also have some drinks and snacks to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the semester. We hope you can join us!

Social inequalities in urban access. Better ways of assessing transport improvements. Sylvie Fol and Caroline Gallez, 2014.
Chapter 3 of Urban access for the 21st century:finance and governance models fortransport infrastructure. Edited by Elliott D. Sclar, Måns Lönnroth and Christian Wolmar.

Automobility, adaptation, and exclusion Immigration, gender, and travel in the auto-city.
Paul Hess, Helen Hao Wen Huang, and Mirej Vasic, 2014.
Chapter 9 of The Urban Political Economy and Ecology of Automobility: Driving Cities, Driving Inequality, Driving Politics

Email: Jessica for more details at jmurray@gc.cuny.edu