Free University coordination mtg
Saturday, March 22, 2pm-4pm
The Bean
54 Second Ave

Help create Subway Salons, Pirate Museum Tours, and our 3rd annual May Day Free University. New and continuing Free U family and friends welcome.


Free University Subway Salon #3

Sunday, March 23, 2pm-4pm
West 4th Station, B/D/F/M downtown platform

– How Can We Free Transportation?
– How Can Subways Stations Become Places for Community Education and Power?
– What Would Your Ideal Transit System Look Like?
– What Would a Fare Hike Mean for You?
– How Can we Support Transit Workers?

Come to a public outreach/dialogue on changing access to social resources such as transportation, as we prepare for our 3rd annual May Day Free University. We’ll build up on the input we received from subway riders in the past two Subway Salons.

We look forward to hybrid participation – including people who come to stay, and riders on their way somewhere. We will alternate between discussion, public writing (big and visible), and public drawing (big and visible). Guest speakers will join us throughout the salon.
What we would love your help with:
• Spread the word
• Bring posterboard, cardboard, and markers
• Participate

Contact for more details.