2019-present University of Akureyri. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Assistant Professor.

2016-present  Social Science Research Institute of the University of Iceland/The Research Institute of Criminology

2016-present University of Iceland, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. Adjunct.

2007-2010  Public Health Institute of Iceland. Research and Development Department.

2007  The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police. Research on the Icelandic stolen goods marked.

2006  School of Health Science-Faculty of Nursing (Univ. of Iceland). Research adviser.

2006 The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS). Research on the innovation environment in Iceland.

2005  The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Research on gender in Icelandic media.

2004  The City of Reykjavik Administration. Research on adolescent Youth Employment in Reykjavik.


2020: Ph.D.  Criminology/Criminal Justice. City University of New York . Theses: Examining the contextual effects of racial profiling, and the long-term consequences of punitive interventions: Testing labeling theory with the Add Health data.

2008: M.A., Sociology, University of Iceland. Concentration: Youth Crime, Statistics. Thesis: School Communities and Youth Crime in Iceland. Testing Social Disorganization Theory.

2008: Diploma, Criminology, University of Iceland. Grade: First glass with Distinction.

2006: B.A., Sociology, University of Iceland. Concentration: Sociology, Delinquency, Research methods. Thesis: Delinquency: A Critical Test on Social Control and Differential   Association theory.


Einarsdottir, Th. J., Rafnsdottir, G. L. & Valdimarsdottir, M. (2019). Structural Hindrances or Less Driven Women? Managerns’ Views on Corporate Quotas. Politics & Gender, 1-29.

Margrét Valdimarsdottir. (2018). The influences of gender and income inequality on cross-national variations in lethal violence. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 2(14), 85-105. 

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir & Jón Gunnar Bernburg. (2018). Íslensk afbrotafræði: Yfirlit íslenskra rannsókna á afbrotum og öðrum frávikum (Icelandic Criminology). Íslenska þjóðfélagið, 2, 123-137. 

Celinska, K., Sung, H. Kim, C. and Valdimarsdottir, M. (2018). An outcome evaluation of Functional Family Therapy for court‐involved youth.  Journal of Family Therapy. 

Adamczyk, A. and Valdimarsdottir, M.  (2017). Understanding Americans’ abortion attitudes: The role of the local religious context. Social Science Research, 71, 129-144.

Valdimarsdottir, M. and Bernburg, J.G.  (2015). Community Disadvantage, Neighborhood Parental Network, and Commitment to Social Norms: Multi-Level Study of Self-Reported Delinquency in Iceland. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(2), 213-244.

Thorlindsson, T., Valdimarsdottir, M., and Jonsson, S. (2012). Community social structure, social capital and adolescent smoking: A multi-level analysis. Health and Place, 18(4), 796-804.

Valdimarsdóttir, M. (2010). Welfare State Attitudes: Characteristics Associated with Individual Support for Governmental Redistribution. In G. Th. Jóhannesson (Ed.). Social Science Research XI (pp.196-205). Reykjavík: The Social Science Research Institute.


Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, et al. (2019). Valdatengsl á íslenskum vinnumarkaði. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir (2018). Viðhorf til lögreglu: Könnun á viðhorfum almennings til þjónustu og starfa lögreglunnar. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir (2018). Viðhorf til lögreglu: Könnun á viðhorfum höfuðborgarbúa til þjónustu og starfa lögreglunnar. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir (2017). Viðhorf til lögreglu: Könnun á viðhorfum almennings til þjónustu og starfa lögreglunnar. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir (2017). Viðhorf til lögreglu: Könnun á viðhorfum höfuðborgarbúa til þjónustu og starfa lögreglunnar. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, et al. (2009). Líkamsþyng og holdarfar fullorðinna Íslendinga frá 1990 til 2007 (Changes in body mass index in the Icelandic population from 1990 to 2007). Reykjavík: Public Health Institute.

Valdimarsdóttir, M., Bernburg, J.G. and Thorisdottir, R. (2008). Mælingar á afbrotum unglinga (Measuring youth crime). In G.Th. Jóhannesson and H. Björnsdóttir (Ed.). Social Science Research IX (pp. 305-316). Reykjavík: The Social Science Research Institute.

Árnadóttir, J., Valdimarsdóttir, M., Jónsson, S.H. and Sigurjónsdóttir, B.. (2008). Aðferðir fólks við að hætta að reykja (Methods to quit smoking). Reykjavík: Public Health Institute.

Valdimarsdóttir, M. and Bernburg, J. G.. (2007). Heimilisaðstæður, félagsleg tengsl og frávikshegðun unglinga (The home environment, social bonds and delinquency). In G.Th. Jóhannesson. Social Science Research VIII  (pp. 181-188). Reykjavík: The Social Science Research Institute.

Steingrímsdóttir, L., Valdimarsdóttir, M. and Jónsson, S.H.. (2006).  Allt hefur áhrif einkum við sjálf: Stöðumat í upphafi verkefnis (Everything affects us especially ourselves). Reykjavík: Public Health Institute.

Valdimarsdóttir, M. (2005).  Karlar og konur í íslensku sjónvarpi: fréttir (Study of Gender in Icelandic media). Reykjavík: The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

Björnsdóttir, A. and Valdimarsdóttir, M. (2004). Nýjar leiðir í atvinnumálum ungs fólks (Youth Employment). Reykjavík: VUF.


2019-present: University of Akureyri. Inferential statistics, Sociology of law.

2016-present: University of Iceland. Graduate level courses: Criminology, Criminal Justice, Undergraduate level courses: Research Methods, Statistics-Regression.

2012-2016: John Jay College of Criminal Justice- Crime mapping -ArcGIS, International Criminology, Statistics.

2005-2011: University of Iceland. Methodology I: Social Science Research Methods, Methodology II: Introduction to Statistics, Methodology III: Multivariate Statistical Methods, Regression analysis (Master´s level course), Research Methods in Political Science, Work Methods in Sociology, Advanced Statistics-Dep. of Nursing


2016. The University of Chicago. Three-day workshop-S Plus.

2015-Columbia University Department of Epidemiology. Single day workshop-Growth Curve Modeling.

2014-NYU-Department of Interdepartmental Research Studies. Advanced Statistics-Growth Curves.

2013-Rutgers University-Department of Criminal Justice. Advanced Statistics-Quantitative Methods for Multi-level data.

2013-Epic courses as part of the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities project with John Jay and Columbia University. Research Using Public Available Data; Identifying and Analyzing Publicly Available Data.

2012-CUNY Graduate Center. Spatial Demography-GIS

2012-summer: EPIC courses as part of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities project with John Jay and Columbia University.  Introduction to Multi-level Modeling.

2006-summer: Essex Summer School (UK) in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection. Logit and Probit Models.


2020. Löggæsla og samfélag. Viðhorf til tengsla á milli aukins fjölda innflytjenda og aukinna hryðjuverkaógna á Íslandi.

2020. Löggæsla og samfélag. The long-term consequences of arrest and school sanctions

2019. Þjóðarspegill. Tilkynningar til löreglu. Ráðstefna haldin af Félagsvísindasviði Háskóla Íslands.

2019-Hugvísindaþing 2019. Stafrænt málsambýli íslensku og ensku: Staða og fyrirliggjandi niðurstöður öndvegisverkefnis. Ráðstefna haldin af Hugvísindasviði Háskóla Íslands.

2018-Policing and Society Conference held at the University of Akureyri. Paper: The Influences of Neighborhood Characteristics on Police Intervention.

2016-The XIX conference on research in Social Science held in Reykjavik. Paper: Gender Inequality and Cross-National Homicide Rates.

2016-Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference held in Denver. Paper: Racial Differences in Police Intervention.

2015-American Society of Criminology conference held in DC. Paper: The Effects of Punitive Interventions on Future Offending: Testing Labeling Theory with Four waves of the Add Health Data.

2014-American Society of Criminology conference held in San Francisco. Paper: The Interconnected Influences of Income Inequality and Gender Inequality on Cross-National Variations in Homicide Rates.

2014-Eastern Sociological Society conference held in Baltimore. Paper: Testing Institutional Anomie Theory.

2013-American Society of Criminology conference held in Atlanta. Paper: The Ideology of the American Dream: Linking the Cultural and Structural Context with Individual Values

2012-American Society of Criminology conference held in Chicago. Paper: Community Concentrated Disadvantage, and Adolescent Self-reported and Official Crime Rate.

2012-Global Perspectives on Justice, Security and Human Rights. Conference held at John Jay College, New York. Paper: Community Concentrated Disadvantage, Informal Social Control and Adolescent Crime Rates

2011-Crises and Renewal: Welfare States, Democracy, and Equality in hard Times. Conference held in Reykjavik. Paper: Social mobility and attitudes toward the welfare state.

2011-The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology 53rd research seminar held in Stockholm. Commenter.

2010-The XI conference on research in Social Science held in Reykjavik. Paper: Welfare State Attitudes: Characteristics associated with individual support for the welfare state.

2008-American Society of Criminology conference held in St. Louis, Missouri. Paper: School communities and youth crime in Iceland.

2008-The IX conference on research in Social Science held in Reykjavik. Paper: Measuring youth crime.

2008- The 24th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association held in Århus, Denmark-Violence and Conflict. Paper: Testing social disorganization on Icelandic Youth

2008-The Icelandic Sociology Association conference held in Reykjavik. Paper: Rates of adolescent drug use.

2008-Rural societies in Iceland conference held in Holar, Iceland.  Can parental network decrease rates of delinquency?

2007-The VIII conference on research in Social Science held in Reykjavik. The home environment, social bonds and delinquency.


2020-Rannsóknasjóður Háskólans á Akureyri.

2015-Leifur Eiriksson Foundation. Fellowship.

2013: CUNY-Graduate Center Travel grant.

2012: John Jay Tithe Travel grant.

2012: The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF). Fellowship.

2011: CUNY-Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship (ECF).

2008: The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK). Travel grant.

2010: Fulbright. Grant for graduate studies at a U.S. university the academic year of 2011-2012.

2008: The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK). Travel grant.

2008: Association of Academics in Iceland. Research grant.

2008: The Icelandic Sociology Association. Research grant.

2006: University of Iceland. Sociology department. Scholarship for studying at Essex summer school in Social Science Data analysis and collection.

2005: The Icelandic Centre for Research. The Icelandic Student Innovation.

2004: The Icelandic Centre for Research. The Icelandic Student Innovation.


2018- Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration-Reviewer

2017- Íslenska Þjóðfélagið-Reviewer

2016-2018 The Icelandic Sociology Association-President

2015-American Society of Criminology conference held in Washington DC-Session Chair

2014-present Feminist Criminology-Reviewer

2013-American Society of Criminology conference held in Atlanta-Session Chair

2007-2011 The Icelandic Sociology Association-Board of Directors