It’s AGU time! This year’s science pilgrimage to San Francisco will be quite exciting. I’m presenting a poster on my main research this year, and it will be the public unveiling of my current findings. The field isn’t that large, so first impressions will be very important. We have some good data, so I think we’re going to be ok.

I did go to AGU last year, and presented a poster. That one was about the Canopy Photosynthetic Capacity Signature of Extreme Events, some work that came out of a class project. So, yes, I have a side project! And I have ideas on expanding this research and linking it, at least a little bit, to the main body of my research. That’s a little difficult, however – my research, despite talking about the relatively recent past, is looking at around 2500 years, and CO2 flux data only goes back about 15 years. Of course, the temperature record only goes back a few hundred years, yet we can do paleoclimate reconstructions. So the same may be possible, although our ability to calibrate the CO2 records is much more limited.
Of course, I have more than enough to do on my dissertation proposal, in the lab, in the other lab, and on this AGU poster, so I can’t afford to think about this much.