AP Workshop Series presents:

Fighting Oppressions in the Heart of Academia

Wednesday, April 13th
6:30 pm
The CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5414

Food and drinks will be provided!
Help grow our movement: bring a friend!

How are racism, sexism, ableism, classism, homophobia, western imperialism, and other oppressions built up and maintained in the academy in general, and at CUNY in particular? What cultural and institutional structures preserve the academy’s oppressive status? How can we challenge and break down these structures? And how can we use our location within academia to fight for social justice?

Panel and discussion!!!

Some of the questions we may discuss include:

How does it feel to be a problem? Why are ethnics studies now only programs? What does an immigrant rights classroom look like? When did CUNY stop enrolling people of color? How do our community colleges use remedial no-credit classes to steal from poor New Yorkers? What’s your imposed and/or chosen identity? What lessons can the Young Lords, Black Panthers, and Gay Liberation Front provide now? What is the history of Medgar Evers College? To whom does CUNY belong? How do we make this a people’s university? Why are you lecturing to us about agency? What does an anti-sexist classroom look like? How does intersectionality help us target multiple oppressions uniquely? Why do CUNY teachers not reflect the make-up of CUNY students? When will doctoral studies reposition the most marginalized to the center? How do we support fellow colleagues’ grievances? What does a LGBTQI-positive classroom look like? What alliances can we create to protect integrationist, separatist, and transformationist visions? What does unity in difference look like? What is the history of Hostos College? Why should our scholarship confront oppressions? When will we reclaim CUNY open admissions? How can we synergize academic and community concerns to make our work socially relevant? What does an anti-racist classroom look like? Who are the radical educators? What kind of CUNY would you like to see? How can we fight for faculty of color and women to gain tenure? What are the specific concerns of international and undocumented students? What does an anti-imperialist classroom look like?

Who wants to help shape a CUNY anti-oppressions movement???