Category Archives: Past PG Events

Poems for the Millennium

April 3rd


We are very excited to announce that the editors of Poems for the Millennium Volume Three: The University of California Book of Romantic & Postromantic Poetry will be with us to read from and discuss their new anthology. Like its two twentieth-century predecessors, Poems for the Millennium, volumes 1 and 2, this gathering sets forth a globally decentered approach to the poetry of the preceding century from a radically experimental and visionary perspective.  The range of volume three and its skewing of the traditional canon illuminate the process by which romantics and post-romantics challenged nineteenth-century orthodoxies and propelled poetry to the experiments of a later modernism and avant-gardism.  Joining Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey C. Robinson in the open discussion that follows the reading are three distinguished scholars and translators, Mary Ann Caws, Maureen McLane, and Richard Sieburth.

“Rothenberg and Robinson have dedicated this project to an intensification and expansion of the vital and vivacious contexts of the ongoing project of human thought. They present us not with the fixity of a canon but with the unfixity of our world.” — Lyn Hejinian

Friday, April 3, 2:00 pm, in Room 9207.

Lisa Robertson and Sina Queyras

On March 20th, we are proud to have a visit from two acclaimed Canadian poets who have both done remarkable things with the lyric essay form. Coach House Books, Canada’s preeminent avant-garde small press, has recently published Lisa Robertson’s Magenta Soul Whip by Lisa Robertson and Expressway by Sina Queyras. The authors will read from their work and participate in a discussion.

Friday, March 20, 6:00 pm, in Room 9204. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York.