Ignore Ed Tech at Your Peril

From The Chronicle of HE by Jonathan Rees, professor of history at Colorado State University at Pueblo.

Basic idea: Must acknowledge these massive changes to life, environment, social/cultural structure and, through this acknowledge carefully consider how to use/integrate technology into our teaching.

“do your best to keep abreast of technological developments and incorporate the ones that fit your teaching style and educational objectives. You might even consider changing those things if you are intrigued by a particular technological development that would require you to make adjustments.”

“It’s not that anything you’ve done before is somehow less effective, it’s that the overall environment in which you’ve been teaching has changed…That does not mean that you must adopt virtual reality or go extinct. Instead, you should try to gradually adapt your classes to this new environment, because your students have plenty of alternatives that they didn’t have before. Your choices in light of developments in ed tech — including the choice to do nothing — have consequences”