Category Archives: Academics

The Hedgehog and the Fox

πόλλ’ οἶδ’ ἀλώπηξ, ἀλλ’ ἐχῖνος ἓν μέγα (“the fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing”) – Archilochus (via Wikipedia). George Philander gave a talk on The Hedgehog and the Fox yesterday at the Graduate Center, and provided some very interesting food for thought for both budding scientists and some of the […]

Putting Climate in Context

This year’s Climate in Context conference at the Grad Center was a rousing success. Nearly twice as many participants and some really good discussions. There are people doing really interesting research at CUNY!

Climate in Context Two

I’ve been involved with the organization of the Climate in Context at the Graduate Center, CUNY 2015 Conference (and I was last year, too) – mostly in a technical capacity, but I am chairing a session. And now, the schedule is up!

Post-AGU Update

It has been a rather hectic few weeks. It is Fellowship season, job application season, it was the end of the semester, and of course AGU, all sandwiched around the holidays. Oh, and we now have the last of our data, including 14C and Mg/Ca!


I just returned home from The Tropics Rule conference up at LDEO, celebrating Mark Cane’s contributions to climatology and highlighting some of the best and most recent work in various areas of tropical climatology, including modeling, dynamics and paleoclimate.

How far…

Not only did I find a link to here when looking on Google for something else (how very meta), but I took some time to look back a bit. The article that caught my eye was from 2011 about my experience in the lab. What was notable to me was how much my lab experience […]

Teach the controversy!

No, I’m not talking about THAT controversy.  What I am talking about is a current controversy – or rather, scientific debate – that is currently happening with regard to plate tectonics. Yes, good ol’ plate tectonics is having a bit of a moment at the moment, with the publication of a paper by Anderson and […]

Level III

It’s official, I am a PhD Candidate!  I have successfully defended my dissertation proposal, and now it’s just writing the dissertation, right?

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